44- Avoidance

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Raghav's POV:

I hated silent treatment. And more so if that person went to an extreme level to avoid my presence altogether.

'Folks who are getting confused, let me inform you that my human is sulking over the fact that Tanya has been avoiding us'.

'Just as my subconscious gladly announced, my wife has been avoiding me since few weeks'.

At first I thought that it was just my illusion and we weren't able to talk because of our busy schedules.

My busy work schedule along with us helping out Rishi with the arrangements of his marriage, Tanya helping out Sia with her exams and also the preparations to open her dance academy.

Too many things were going on, that too all at once so it seemed like a possible excuse for us not being able to talk with each other. But three weeks? It was totally absurd that we could not speak to each other at all for three weeks, despite staying in one room. Surely, you could spare one minute to talk with the person, you were sharing a room with.

'Did something happen? Was she purposefully ignoring me?' I questioned myself as worry engulfed me.

'Three weeks of silence obviously means that she is avoiding you purposefully', My subconscious snorted.

'Did I do something? Maybe I scared her like I did in the early days of our marriage. But I thought we already passed that stage', I wondered.

'It is definitely due to your foolishness. Remember how you made her cry last time. It is only after that day, she stopped speaking with us. Why couldn't you stop her at least? You should have asked her to stay in this marriage. Then all this wouldn't have happened', subconscious scolded me.

'Yeah, she did cry profusely that day. But we had already sorted it out. Or not?'

Now I was getting more and more worried. Today was the last day of this ignorance. I had to talk it out with her. Therefore, I decided to stay awake while pretending to be asleep. It was necessary to act as she always came into the room after I slept and left the room before I woke up.

As expected, after few minutes of my switching off the light, Tanya tiptoed inside the room. I stayed still until she got comfortable in the bed and then I turned to face her, lying on the side propped up on one elbow.

"Why are you avoiding me?" I asked straightforwardly.

"Aaa", she screamed, startled by my suddenness.

"I...I wasn't avoiding you. Umm...I need to use the washroom, excuse me", she fumbled and left the room in hurry.

She didn't come back for a long time, obviously trying to avoid me until I went to sleep. But today I had decided and I wasn't going to budge until we had a proper conversation. Even if there was a problem or I had made some mistake, she needed to tell me. Or else how would I rectify it?

She came back after half an hour. Her eyes widened as she saw me sitting on the bed, waiting for her.

"Tanya, we need to talk".

"Not today. I am very tired. Good night", saying this she laid down, facing other way.

"Tanya please. Just tell me why are you avoiding me", I pleaded.

"I already told you that I am not avoiding you. Now please let me sleep, I am really tired", she spoke trying to sound annoyed but sadness crept through her voice.

"Just five minutes Tanya. Let's just talk for five minutes then you can sleep. Please Tanya. Your behaviour is troubling me. What has happened? Did I make a mistake?

"I am really sorry if I unknowingly hurt you. But please Tanya, if you don't tell me the reason, then how would I rectify the mistake? Or at least apologize to you sincerely.

"I am scared Tanya. Please tell me what did I do to deserve this punishment".

I was on the verge of tears. I rarely formed the bond with someone but when I did, it was too strong. I couldn't handle seeing that person hurt and if the reason behind their hurt was me, then it would literally break me from inside. And that was happening right now.

Tanya must have heard my broken voice as she sat up and faced me. She didn't look too happy yet her facing me was a progress.

"You didn't do anything. Whatever is happening is not your fault. So stop the guilt trip and let me be. It is better if we don't discuss about it. That conversation would ruin everything", Tanya spoke, looking sad.

"Tanya you are scaring me with your words. Tell me what has happened. We will solve it together", I requested, taking her hands in mine. Her palms were cold as ice, worrying me even more.

She snatched her hands away from me and shouted, "Why can't you understand? I already told you that I don't want to discuss about it. Then why can't you just let it be?"

"Because I can't take your silence. Just get it over with. Whatever it is we can handle it together. Why can't you have a little trust on me?" I shouted back and regretted it in an instant.

Before I could apologize, she blurted out, "I Love You. There I said it. My secret is out now, happy?

"I fell in love with you even if you had clearly informed me to not have any expectations in this marriage. I fell in love with you even when your heart only beats for Naina. Although you are loyal to me and would never go back to Naina, I know where your heart is. Knowing all this, I still fell in love with you.

"What should I do? Can I trust you over this? You said you would rectify the mistake. How are you going to rectify my love?"

Tanya full broke down, covering her face as sobs racked through her body.

I wanted to console her but the shock had rendered me speechless. I sat there like a statue, unable to move or speak.

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