13- Joint Account

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Raghav's POV:

Knocking on the connecting door, I waited for her to open the door. Surprising she was already ready. I didn't see her coming into Rishi's room and there was no way I would have missed it, if she came. There was only one way to go outside and that was through Rishi's room.

"Did you just change your clothes without getting a bath?" I asked, mildly disgusted.

"I took a bath when you were snoring loudly while cuddling with your twin", came her snarky remark as she rolled her eyes at me.

"I wonder why I had to leave my room and peace", I taunted.

"Excuse me?" She narrowed her eyes.

"I wouldn't have been snoring, if I wasn't so exhausted. And if I was sleeping peacefully in my room then I wouldn't have to cuddle my twin", I replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I didn't ask you to leave the room", she mumbled under her breath.

"Yeah, you didn't ask me. Your fear did", I retorted.

I immediately felt like hitting myself as the fire in her eyes distinguished and the fear from the night came back.

She wordlessly moved aside for me to enter. I took out my towel and a change of clothes.

I turned to see her standing at a corner, probably waiting for me to leave.

"You had breakfast?" I asked and received a timid shake of head in response.

"Let's go then", I offered.

"But...but you are going for a bath...", she trailed off.

"So? How does that matter? It looks like you have been awake since hours.  You must be hungry. Come".

I left the room and she timidly followed. I was going to walk with her to the dining table before changing the route for bathroom. And before I left, I had to do something to reduce her nervousness.

Seeing Trisha near the dining table gave me an idea and I started with the same old teasing.

"Seriously Trisha, doesn't your husband complain? You are here all the time".

Trisha stuck her tongue out at me, before pushing me a little to stand near Tanya.

"I am here for my best friend so you can calm your horses", she spoke before hugging Tanya.

Tanya hugged her back like her life depended on it. She really needed that hug. Trisha's presence did wonders. Tanya seemed much at ease and had started talking like her usual self. I had never thought that I would be relieved to hear her mindless blabbering.


It was mid-afternoon and I was watching TV to relax myself a little from yesterday's events. Tanya was upstairs doing something while others were out doing their own things.

The doorbell rang interrupting a great scene. I sighed but stood up to open the door. It was Sia, looking highly uncomfortable.

These two sisters. Ever since the wedding fiasco, they both were behaving differently. Giving her a gentle smile, I ushered her in and called out to Tanya.

Tanya soon came down and instantly worry etched on her face as soon as she saw Sia standing in the living room.

"Sia, did something happen? Are you alright?" Tanya frantically asked.

Was there something going on? Why was Tanya so worried?

Sia forwarded a paper to Tanya with tensed eyes, without replying to Tanya's frantic questions.

Tanya went stiff upon reading the paper. What was in it that caused both the sisters to look like this?

"What is it? Show me the paper", I ordered, forwarding my hand.

They were my responsibility now and if something was troubling them, then I had to solve it.

Tanya looked like she didn't want but still she hesitantly passed on the paper. Both the sisters stole glances from the corner of their eyes as soon as I started reading the paper.

It was from Sia's college. Sia's fees were due and had to paid within a week or else she wouldn't be allowed to appear for her exams.

I gave the paper back to Sia and went upstairs to get my cheque book. Upon returning, I found Tanya nervously biting her nails and Sia full on crying.

"Woah! What's wrong?" I asked to Sia, while giving her a handkerchief to wipe her tears.

As she didn't stop crying, I tried again.

"What happened dear? Please tell me, I will make everything alright?" I inquired, as I got more and more worried.

"Please don't get angry on Tanya", Sia requested, admist her tears.

"Huh? Why?" I looked at both the sisters with confusion.

"You went upstairs in anger...so she got scared. We are really sorry", Tanya apologized.

It was hard to control my laughter but I had to since it would look really bad if I laughed when one was on the verge of crying and other was already crying.

"Who said I was angry? I went to get this", I said, waving the cheque book.

"Oh!!" came their dumbfounded answer.

"Yes, so now please stop crying", I said, ruffling Sia's hairs affectionately.

I soon filled the price in the cheque and gave it to Sia.

"Thanks", she said and was about to leave.

"Stay for a while", I said.

"No, I need to deposit this before college's office gets closed. Next time. Thank you once again", saying this she left, leaving me with her sister.

"Thank you so much and I am really sorry too. We just married yesterday and I already started sucking your money", Tanya spoke in self-disgust.

"Stop it. Don't do this to yourself. Anyways, I had promised to help your family financially. So it doesn't matter if they needed it today itself.

"Give me sometime. I will create a joint account so you would be able to handle all those expenses by yourself, without asking me for it".

I had to make this account soon or else Tanya would feel nervous and ashamed, anytime she would need the money.

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