15- Car ride

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Raghav's POV:

I had to leave in few minutes so I was rechecking if I had packed everything. Just then Tanya took out two bags and put them near my luggage.

Raising my eyebrows, I spoke, "I thought you weren't going to come. Why the sudden change of plan?"

"I couldn't find any excuse", she replied in a defeated tone.

Heaving out a huge sigh, she went downstairs, not waiting for my response and without taking her bags. I chuckled at her childish behaviour, before making two trips downstairs to carry all the luggage.

Mom, Dad and Rishi were waiting in the living room to see us off. It wasn't necessary but they did this everytime I went away for a long time. And secretly, I loved that they did this.

As usual Mom started her list of things I needed to take care off while I was away. Normally, it was for me but today, she gave me instructions to take care of Tanya.

"Looks like Mom changed her favourite", Rishi teased and rightfully so, received a hit from Mom.

"Don't provoke him. Every child is equal to me", Mom scolded him.

We bid goodbye to everyone and soon left the house. Driving for two minutes, I stopped the car near Tanya's home.

"Why did you stop the car here?" Tanya asked looking confused.

"We are going for a month. I figured that like my family, your family would miss you too. So I brought you here to say your goodbyes", I replied, before getting out of my car and gesturing her to do the same.

Her parents welcomed us like we were celebrities or should I say that they welcomed me like an celebrity. After talking with them for sometime and informing them about us going to another town, we stood up to leave.

"I would like to talk with Tanya for few minutes", Sia requested.

Both the sisters went up to their room while I awkwardly waited for them to come back as their parents sweet talked to me. I breathed out in relief as I saw them coming back and left the house as soon as possible.

The moment we got into the car, Tanya moved around to sit comfortably. That was okay until she decided to put up her feet on the seat.

"Put your dirty feet down. Can't you sit properly?" I shouted, disgusted by the fact that she put her dirty feet on my car seat.

"First of all, my feet aren't dirty and why the hell are you making a scene for such a small thing? Do you really expect me to sit uptight for the whole journey?" She asked, looking at me with an incredulous expression.

"It is just a three hour journey. If I can sit properly then so can you. But ofcourse, why would you do that? You just love destroying things. Just like you turned my room into a garbage dump", I grumbled, annoyed by her messy behaviour.

"Such a clean freak", she muttered under her breath.

"I heard that", I deadpanned. "Being a clean freak is better than being this messy. My room was better even when I had to share it with Rishi. And that's saying something. I had thought no one could compete Rishi in messiness but I was obviously wrong".

"Goodness, stop crying about your room already", she yelled, startling the hell out of me.

"Okay okay, I will shut up now". I raised my hands in surrender.

"But please put your feet down", I requested as it was really troubling me.

"Let me drive then. That's the only way, I will be able to keep my legs down for a three hour journey", she compromised.

I eagerly did as she asked. Letting her drive was far better than her ruining my seats. Hopefully.

We changed our seats and put on the seatbelts before resuming our journey.

"You are too much, you know", she commented.

"Yeah yeah", I waved offhandedly and closed my eyes, deciding to rest for a while.


After an hour of rest, I had woken up. And that had been the worst decision of my life. We just continued nitpicking at each other. Finally, she shut up as she wanted to rest. So we switched our places. Unfortunately, that meant, putting her feet on my seat again🤦‍♂.

"Oh!! I didn't realize we were coming to this town". Tanya sat up in excitement as soon as we entered the town.

"You have been here before?" I asked with curiosity.

"Yeah, during school times, for the dance competitions".

"I didn't know that you liked dancing".

"Loved it", she spoke, with a sad smile on her face.

I was curious to know about what had happened? And why she had a sad smile while speaking about it? But I kept quiet as we weren't that close.

"In which hotel are we going to stay?" She asked, smartly changing the topic.

I humoured her, not pointing out her obvious tactic.

"We aren't staying at a hotel. We have a house here", I answered.

"I thought Trisha must have already told you that we had a house near every branch of ours", I said with a confused face. I had thought she was already aware of all this.

Tanya shrugged in response. "Maybe, Trisha didn't want to boast in front of me when I was going through financial problems".

"Oh!!" That was the best response I could manage.

"Well, this is the smallest house we have bought as we don't usually stay here. Normally we complete our work and leave for home as it is just 3 hours away.

"But this time we need to stay, as the work is going to prolong for a month and I won't be able to work much, if I keep going back and forth", I informed her.

I was a little late in informing her about all these but I had been under the impression that she would have known everything through Trisha. Oh well, better late than never.

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