Chapter 44

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I woke up with the sunlight beaming on my face. I rolled over expecting to see Johnny but to my dismay I was alone. I sat up and collected my thoughts before I stood up and went to Johnny's closet. As I was walking I noticed all the guys' bikes pulling into the drive way through the window. I put on one of his shirts and a pair of boxers and made my way downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw Johnny, dressed for the day, sitting at the island

¨Good morning¨ I said

¨Good afternoon¨ he responded. "You slept longer than usual" he said handing me a cup of coffee

"What can I say, I was tired. Oh! Just a heads up the guys are about to walk in"

"I know, they called early saying they were coming"

"Oh ok"

"I made food"

"You did?! What'd you make?"

"Waffles, French toast, sausage, bacon, and hash browns"

"Everything looks really good Johnny."


"Now who really made all this?" I asked

"My mom"


"Wakey wakey, company's here" Dutch entering the house

"Morning, we're in the kitchen" I said loud enough for them to hear. One by one they all made their way into the kitchen.

"Morning" Johnny greeted them

"Ooo Laura cooked breakfast" bobby said in sight of the food

"How'd you know Laura made it"

"Please" jimmy scoffed "Laura cooks for us all the time, we know her cooking when we see it"

"Plus who else could've made it? Johnny?" Tommy said sarcastically making all the others laugh

"I can cook" he defended

"Putting bologna in a pan isn't cooking" Jimmy stated

"Ew bologna really?" I cringed

"It's good" Johnny defended

"It's not" they all said at once

"They're right it's gross"

"Whatever" he said rolling his eyes

"So what happened to you guys last night? You both disappeared" Bobby asked

"Tommy told us you guys were fighting?" Dutch said

"Yeah, I'm surprised Johnny isn't dead right now" tommy said laughing

"We're good now" Johnny spoke up

"we made up" I added, I looked over at him and he was grinning ear to ear

"Yeah made up, make out same thing" he said

"You just had to tell them, didnt you" I said shaking my head

"Can you blame me?" He cheered. "When you do what we did last night, it's almost mandatory to brag." He smiled. The guys were all instantly intrigued, they all exchanged a look and all made their way into the living room without saying anything. I just followed behind them and stood against the doorway of the dining room to the living room. I just observed as they were all sitting in a circle on the edge of the seats. I wonder if they know they're sitting like it was story time in elementary school.




"After she kissed you" he said pointing to Dutch

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