Chapter 62

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A/N: a long overdue chapter :)


After the whole Susan and Bobby commotion, it was hard for me to get back into the groove of things, I wasn't really in a cheery mood anymore. I think everyone else was feeling like that too, so we didn't end up staying the entire weekend. Once I got back from camping I tried to call Susan and check on her but she wouldn't pick up the phone. It was her dad that answered every time. Luckily I can see her at school today. I got ready for the day and decided to wear an oversized gray graphic tee and my good pair of jeans that actually fit nicely.

"Morning dad" I said walking into the kitchen

"Morning sweetie, I never got to ask you when you came back, but how was camping?"

"It was actually a lot of fun, better than I expected at least"

"Thats nice, I figured you'd like it"

"Really??" I asked "You know how much I hate the wilderness"

"I highly doubt you guys were in the wilderness, but most of the time the guys have a way of persuading you sometimes"

"That's not true"

"Yes it is," he laughed. "It's not a bad thing, I'm just saying. You used to hate kickboxing back in jersey, then we got here and they convinced you to join karate" He said as he handed me a bowl for cereal

"I didn't hate kickboxing, I hated the reason why I had to be put into kickboxing" I told him, taking the bowl from his hands. "Anyways i was thinking that maybe soon we should do some type of 'family' outing. You know me, you, Danny, and Lucile"

"You'd want to do something like that?"

"Yeah, why not? I think it'd be cool. I mean I think Danny might be a grouch about it at first but he'd probably have fun doing whatever we end up doing" I shrugged, finishing my breakfast

"Huh? Ok then I'll talk to Lucile about it and we'll see what happens" He smiled "Speaking of, are you two going to ride to school together?"

"Not today, Johnny's picking me up"

"Oh ok, tell him I said hi"

"Will do"

My dad put his dishes into the sink, grabbed his jacket and keys, gave me a kiss on the top of my head then made his way to the door. "See you later"

"Bye dad"

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. I rushed to my room to grab my backpack before opening up the door. I was expecting Johnny but instead I saw Bobby.


"Hi Bobby," I greeted "Not that you aren't one of my besties but where's Johnny?"

"Oh he's downstairs"

"Ok" I nodded

"I just need both of you guys advice before we got to school, so he's driving the both of us"

"Aww you want my advice"

"Yeah, I need a girls perspective on this"

"And you didn't want to ask your sisters?"

"No, they wouldn't care. She wasn't kidding when she said they don't get along"

"Gotchu" Bobby and I made our way down to the parking lot to Johnny's bright cherry red firebird parked horizontally instead of vertically like the other cars and 'Don't Look Back' by Boston blasting, surely waking up the neighbors. I opened the door and pushed the passenger seat back so Bobby could climb in the backseat. "Morning lovey"

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