51 ∞ All For Nothing

129 22 3

Long Ago

Gareth struggled to release the straps from the sled as the magnetic fields guided him farther inside the hangar. Finally, he got it off his chest and held it level before him.

"Alright, Canaisis, I'm ready."

"Do you wish full gravity now, Captain?" Canaisis' voice spoke into his helmet.

"No, not yet. I'm exhausted and sore. Just bring me down."

Gently, he was lowered to the floor, and he activated his suit's magnetic boots to secure his footing. Then he pushed the sled down to the floor and held it down with one hand. He fumbled with the straps holding the tarp, and after some effort, managed to pull the tarp back.

He stared at the blue-and-white urn. It looked intact in its rope cradle. He pulled it free and rotated it between his gloved hands as frost started forming on its surface. The moisture in the air was freezing to the urn. Several hours floating in orbit above Earth had dissipated all its residual warmth. Without his gloves, his hands would have frozen onto it, causing frostbite.

The intricate patterns of blue glaze glittered with the frost. He remembered how he'd looked at so many urns, trying to choose the one befitting his wife's remains. His mind wandered through old memories and pain as he stared at it, and when he was done, he put them away.

"Report, Canaisis."

"Damage is localized to the forward bow area—it will take several years to repair. I'm fully capable, however, and ready to break orbit."

"No issues with recovering the passengers?"

"No, Captain. Their pods are safely back in holding. All readings are optimal."

Gareth pulled his gaze away from the urn with the drifting frost vapor curling around it. He noted the six remaining shuttles in the hangar and sighed.

"Shame we lost the shuttle."

"I'll begin gathering resources as we leave this system. A new shuttle may very well be waiting when you awaken, Captain."

"Take care of yourself first, Canaisis. I can awaken early to help you with the shuttle."

"That won't be necessary. I'm modifying all my systems to adjust for the lack of crew, not just flight control."

Gareth glanced up at the revelation. He shouldn't have been surprised, really. It was a natural extension of the plan when the crew had informed him of their leaving ship service. It was serious, but not enough for him to expend energy discussing it now. They'd passed that moot point during all his previous conversations with Canaisis. He either trusted her or he didn't.

Carefully releasing the urn so it would float in the air without moving, he stepped back. His suit sensed his movement and deactivated his magnetic boot as his foot left the floor. Reactivation occurred whenever his foot made contact again.

Three steps back, he keyed his suit's helmet to release. Taking it off, he drew in a lungful of ship air. It tasted familiar and comforting—he couldn't help but just stand there and breathe for a few minutes.

He took stock of his feelings as he let his gaze roam across the shuttles, the room, all familiar things. Finally, his eyes settled on the urn. Locked deep within him, his emotions tried to break out, but his will was stronger. He stepped forward and nudged the urn back onto the sled, turned toward the shuttles, and shuffle-walked to the closest one with the helmet in hand. The rear ramp lowered for him as he approached.

"Thank you, Canaisis."

"You're welcome, Captain," Canaisis responded into the shuttle hangar.

He stepped up into the shuttle's cargo area as he re-secured the helmet over his head. At the rear, he stepped backward into an empty socket and exited his suit.

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One ∞ 2:  A Captain's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now