94 ∞ Goodbyes and Introductions

181 22 13

Shortlisted Week 169

Harlin brought the shuttle into the LS Canaisis' hangar without further joyride maneuvers, and Gareth tried not to think too much. He hated being seated in the cargo area, staring at a blank, tightly ribbed ramp door. He wanted to see the LS station up close, see his ship as they drew near.

The shuttle's rear hatch cracked open for its steady descent—agonizingly slow, in Gareth's opinion. Behind him, buckles snapped and people said their goodbyes, wishing each other safe voyage. He hit the latch on his chest, and his five-point harness dropped. Eyes glued to the widening view before him, he rose to his feet.

He stepped to the edge of the door as the ramp settled to a stop. What first struck him were ten brand-new shuttles, identical to the one they were in, filling the hangar. His hangar. Not a blemish on the floor, the air crisp and crystal clear in the overhead lights, everything within sight seemed to gleam and sparkle with newness.

The noise of shuffling and multiple voices behind him rose, and metal doors slamming told Gareth his crew was retrieving their belongings from the storage lockers. It represented the comfort of Human presence, but he phased it all out as he took in the hangar's silence. He sensed expectation and intense focus coming from outside the shuttle, and it made him stand there without moving, taking it in.

"Your belongings, Captain Levant," spoke Khanisk at his five. "Shall I take them to your cabin?"

Gareth turned to his first officer. He found her youthful appearance suited her slim frame and no-nonsense attitude. She was holding his duffel bag with Dara's cylinder on top.

"Yes, First Officer—when it's the proper time. Thank you."

Behind him, Captain Lanesh and the other Captains had gathered.

Lanesh proffered his hand. "Let me be the first. Safe voyage, Captain Levant."

Gareth gave it a firm shake. "And you too, Captain Lanesh."

One by one, he shook the hands of the rest of the Seven with offerings of well-being. He started turning back to the waiting ramp when he heard Harlin.

"Hey! You ain't leaving without saying goodbye, are you?"

Gareth spotted his friend's head pushing between the LS Canaisis crew members. The Captains stepped back to give way, and Harlin presented himself before Gareth. He stood there for a moment, eyes locked with Gareth's with a touch of sadness. Then he lunged forward to give Gareth a bear hug.

"Good sailing, Gareth. Take care of yourself."

Gareth returned the hug, then stepped back and snapped a salute. "Aye-aye, sir."

Harlin's lips twitched at Gareth's sarcasm.

Gareth turned and started a slow walk down the ramp. A boatswain whistle cut through the air as his foot touched the hangar floor.

"Captain on the deck!" a female voice sounded across the hangar, resonant but flat, cold, without emotion.

Surprised, Gareth scanned the walls, the ceiling. This wasn't supposed to happen until he announced himself and gave the code. But then he realized he didn't need to—he'd already connected with the Hierarchy bond three years ago. The A.I. Canaisis recognized him.

Gareth faced the shuttle, where Harlin and the six Captains stood in a line at the top of the ramp watching him. In unison, they saluted him, and Gareth couldn't help but be touched. The Seven were of a special ilk—seven unique individuals. They'd never bonded as a group, and now their duty required them to go their separate ways, perhaps to never meet each other again.

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One ∞ 2:  A Captain's JourneyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα