54 ∞ The Two Hundred

112 22 0

Shortlisted - Day 0001

Floating in the darkness, Ayla found herself aware of a sense of time, and her own thoughts. Her Gift was hers to control now. Images came to her, not memories. She did not know what that meant, but she knew her Gift was trying to tell her something.

Images of her people crossing an alien landscape when the sky lit up with a second sun.

Images of Canaisis in her Human form, standing tall with a sword of light upright in her hand. Beautiful wings of light spread out from behind her, and meteors fell from its edges to rain down upon the sky. Canaisis turned to look directly at Ayla, her eyes God-like with knowledge and wisdom. Ayla was drawn into those eyes, and within them, she saw an ancient sailing ship. Its white sails full, it raced across a nighttime ocean. Captain Levant stood at the bow, staring at the stars and black sky with tears flowing down his face. She recognized the star formation-she felt she should know it.

Ayla felt her Gift tug at her, and she knew there was more.


«I'm here, Ayla.»

«There's more to see, and I'm afraid.»

«You're not alone. Fear is a part of being alive. Courage is doing the right thing, despite being afraid. Do not do this for yourself. Do it to help him.»

«The war hurt him so terribly.»

«No, Ayla. It rattled the cage that holds his hurt, and for a while, it was free. Nothing more. Someday, that cage won't be able to hold it.»

«And you fear that day.»


«I need to know his hurt.»

«I can help you see the way leading to the path you seek.»

«Thank you, Canaisis. I won't let my Gift own me again. Not anymore.»

«You're growing stronger, I can see. But you're new to the full potential of your Gift, Ayla, now that you can sustain its activity. No one knows what that means, or if it can be controlled.»

«It's a part of me, Canaisis.»

And then Ayla called her Gift. It came as the wind, and she let it take her where she needed to be. She found Canaisis' presence a source of comfort, staying with her into the dark.

Gareth stood up from the table, and through his eyes, Ayla looked around the cafeteria. Other people sat enjoying their meals, talking or studying as they ate. Behind them, a floor-to-ceiling window showed the stars, and the curve of Earth crested at the bottom. The tables and legs blocked most of the planet from view, but he didn't mind. He took in the stars. It was almost the right time, and he didn't want to miss his opportunity to see the Living Ships again. Other occupants in the cafeteria noticed him standing immobile by his table, staring at the window, but one glance outside and they understood.

The view changed as the station rotated, and the ships inched into view. Seven large, oblong silver objects were strung in a line by what looked like thin tubes. He knew those tubes were actually housing facilities for the engineers, thousands of them. Some guided the growth of the ships, supplied the materials needed at the right time. Others monitored and guided the neural net, cared for the growth of the A.I. and its integration into the neural net. Lists of descriptions from his instructional courses ran through his mind as he watched the seven silver pearls rotate out of view.

Gareth turned away and looked at the cloud-enhanced operator system computer on his wrist. His next class would start soon, and he needed to hurry. He left the cafeteria behind and stepped out into the metal hallway. Unfamiliar with the section of the station he was to go to, he set his CLEOS wrist device to guide him. Following its directions, he made his way to the elevator that would take him to the inner levels. Gravity on the station was achieved centrifugally, so going into the center meant lesser gravity-he looked forward to it.

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One ∞ 2:  A Captain's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now