72 ∞ Feeling of Thunder

111 21 0

Day 00010 Mission Nilex

"Hey! This one's really hot!"

Lina's shout sounded distant, as if from another world. Startled, Ayla snapped her eyes open, and her head went under. Her feet flailing in panic, she clawed the water until she found purchase on the sandy bottom. She pushed off and broke the surface, breathing in deep gulps.

Splashing noises grew out of the purling of the waterfalls across the pool. Ayla blinked droplets from her eyes to see Lina swimming freestyle straight toward her. Water flew in all directions as she made the best speed she could.

Ayla forced her breathing to calm, trying to concentrate. She had just enough time to rebuild her walls, to drive the wind back when Lina swam up to her.

"What's wrong, Ayla?" Lina's wide eyes couldn't hide her deep concern.

"Nothing. I don't know. I saw something. Something I've seen before."

Lina gripped Ayla's arms. "Can you tell me?"

Ayla fought for and found her center. She made her heart slow down and regulated her breathing, thinking back to the images she'd seen. But they were elusive. It was like trying to grasp smoke. She focused on one image and held onto it. She'd seen it somewhere before, back when she was a child. But when? Where? The sailing ship and angel crystallized in her mind's eye, and she remembered where she'd seen it.

"Come on, Lina, let's go."

"What? Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong." Ayla hoped Lina would accept the lie. Within the dark of Ayla's soul, restless gusts of wind blew.

Lina stared at Ayla for a second too long before responding, "Alright, let's go home. Ahmid is probably wondering where we are."

Ayla nodded and climbed out of the water. She returned to the blanket and started toweling herself dry as Lina followed her example.

«Is everything alright, Ayla? I'm seeing unusual brain activity.» Canaisis' voice was gentle in her mind.

"Everything's fine. Why does everybody keep asking me that?"

Lina paused in drying herself to look at Ayla.

"Not you. Canaisis," said Ayla by way of explanation.


They donned their robes in silence, then Lina gestured at the blanket and damp towels.

"What do we do with these?"

"Return them to the storage area, and I'll handle it," Canaisis replied aloud.

Ayla needed a moment of distance from Lina, so she picked up the items. "I'll do it."

She carried them around the lagoon to the wall of metal rocks and placed them in the open hole. On her return, she found Lina sitting with her feet in the water, waiting. Ayla plopped down next to her and pulled her robes up to drop her feet in.

Lina craned her head around in all directions. "This place is just too amazing."

"Yes, it is."

"I'm worried about you," added Lina, her voice filled with sadness.

The change in tone took Ayla by surprise. Lina wasn't looking at her, but Ayla could see that her words were coming from her heart.

"You almost didn't make it back from your journey... and now you have a computer in your head. I don't know how to help you."

Ayla leaned over until her shoulder bumped Lina's. "But I did make it back. I'm right here."

"You wouldn't have if it hadn't been for the Captain. He cares about you as much as you do about him. I want you to know that."

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One ∞ 2:  A Captain's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now