78 ∞ Security Breach

109 21 4

Shortlisted – Day 0003

Gareth gave Harlin a long look. "I made it through boot camp."

"Fair enough. If we leave before dawn, we can be there before Caitlin arrives. Don't worry about gear—I'll have everything you need, even boots."

"You will?"

Harlin raised a brow, grinning. "You waived your privacy rights, remember? Maat probably knows more about you than you do. Clothing size is easy."

Nonplussed, Gareth stared at him. "Does Maat have access to everything about me?"

"He's right here—ask him yourself." Harlin leaned his arms on the now cleared desk. "Better yet, ask him what you really want to ask."

This gave Gareth pause, and he realized he'd been rude.

"My apologies, Maat. I meant no disrespect."

"I realize that, Captain," said the voice from the monitor on the wall. "You are under stress, so all is forgiven. May I ask you a question first?"

Surprised, Gareth replied, "Of course, Maat."

"Will you enter the ENS program if your wife asks you not to?"

Gareth snapped to lock eyes with Harlin, who looked as taken by this question as he was. His thoughts swirled. He owed Maat an honest answer for the help he'd given.

"If she asks me to stay with her, then I have no choice. Maybe after—" his throat caught on the words, "after this is all over... If I still can."

"Maat." Harlin stepped in as Gareth took control of his emotions. "Why do you ask?"

"I was requested to ask the question, Harlin."

Gareth and Harlin spun their heads to look at the monitor.

"Who?" Gareth asked. Then a sudden suspicion popped into his mind. "Mayfine?" The edge in his tone betrayed the growing anger simmering inside him.

"No, Captain. The inquiry came from the LS Canaisis herself."

Gareth turned back to stare at Harlin, Dara's drawing flashing across his mind.

Harlin closed his mouth and shook his head at him. "Maat," he said, keeping his gaze locked with Gareth's, "why was this inquiry made? And are you currently sending data to this LS?"

"I do not know why the request was made, Harlin. The LS's are not fully developed for ascension. I do not think even she knows herself. And yes, I am sending all data I have on Captain Gareth Levant as we speak. This request was made three days ago."

A thoughtful furrow formed between Harlin's brows. "Why didn't you tell me, Maat?"

"It did not concern you, Harlin," stated Maat. "I will inform you of anything unusual if it has to do with you, but obviously, this request was not directed at you."

"I know you try to look out for me, Maat, and I really do appreciate it. However, in this case, interaction is occurring between me and Gareth, therefore it does concern me. Does this make sense?"

"Duly noted, Harlin. In the future, I will let you know."

"It's okay, Maat. No reason for me to expect you to know. Now, can you tell me why this particular LS is so interested in Gareth? Take a guess."

"She has chosen her Captain. It is only natural to want to learn everything about him."

"But Captains haven't been assigned yet," interjected Gareth.

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One ∞ 2:  A Captain's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now