90 ∞ Three Years

148 22 11

(A/N: Posting a few days early due to a special request from a Reader.)

Shortlisted Week 11 and Week 168

The shuttle docked, and Gareth waited as they were pulled inside to the port proper. More time passed as the docking bridge connected to the shuttle, and the crew ensured everything was in order for debarking.

Gareth was wearing the new LS captain's uniform, but nothing on it designated his ship except for a small round medallion on his collar. Although he hadn't been assigned the ship yet, Mayfine had sent it down with the uniform just before the funeral.

Harlin explained that the Science Division thought it best Gareth wear it and to hell with the politics. Canaisis appeared to be ahead of her sisters in ascension and had chosen her Captain. It was obvious now that she could easily bypass all their firewalls if she chose to. They could observe what data she took in, but only stop it after the fact.

So far, she'd only kept an eye on Gareth's health and hadn't looked into anything else. According to Harlin, this was the one fact that held the project team back from pulling the plug. But since they didn't know how the ship would react if she reviewed visual recordings, it was decided Gareth should wear the insignia pin, just in case. There was no telling what Canaisis' conclusions would be if she saw Gareth in an unmarked uniform. It had been Harlin's recommendation that the team "play it safe" that had won the day, or so Harlin claimed.

When Gareth donned the captain's jacket for the first time and looked in the mirror, the sight of the insignia pleased him—a rare feeling that didn't compromise his glass wall. He was inside his universe looking out at another universe in which his body looked at himself in a mirror. But whatever profound truth was to be found, it was beyond him. Deciding such thoughts would only result in futility, he dismissed them, yet the sensations those thoughts brought remained.

He'd straightened his jacket with a tug. Such motions of action were expected from him. His gaze had lingered on the insignia as he turned away from the mirror.

"You make that uniform look good, Gareth." Harlin smiled in approval. He'd been standing in the back of the room with arms crossed, watching.

Harlin had scheduled a civilian flight, both because of the doctor's orders and for the public relations factor. The noise of people getting restless and shifting in their seats, getting ready to disembark, brought Gareth back to the present.

"Time to get going." Harlin nudged him with an elbow.

The other passengers gave them ample respect as they made their way off the shuttle, stepping out into the vast public area of the port. Hushed noise of conversations and voices came from people sitting in groups of chairs waiting to board. Others stood aside, waiting for passengers to exit the shuttle as organized frenzy took place around the luggage and cargo pick-up areas. Gareth glanced at their military escort. He hadn't been used to the zero-G of the shuttle flight but looked to be feeling better now.

Harlin led the way through the ants' nest of people. As they skirted the luggage retrieval area, a group of people moved away with their suitcases, and others flowed in to replace them around the luggage carousel. Harlin headed for a bank of elevators, and while they stood waiting, Gareth felt a tug low on his jacket from behind. He turned to look down, and instant recognition hit him. It was the little girl from the shuttle ride after the announcement of The Two Hundred shortlist. Her name came to him as he lowered himself to one knee to her eye level.

"How are you, Dara?"

She opened her mouth to speak, but her attention turned to Harlin as he interrupted her.

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One ∞ 2:  A Captain's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now