62 ∞ A Breakthrough

108 19 2

Day 00008 Mission Nilex

«Bridge, please,» Gareth thought as he came to the first airlock to the transit tube.

«Captain, there's been a change in Ayla's condition.»

He spun on his heel without thinking and started jogging. «Talk to me, Canaisis.»

«You'll be there before I can explain it. Best if you see for yourself.»

Not satisfied with this answer, he broke into a full run. When he approached the Med-bay, he slowed to walk the last steps to the door and paused.

Lina was still sitting in the chair to the left of Ayla, and Ahmid stood behind her with his hand on her shoulder. Nura had brought the other chair to the opposite side of the bed, and sat with tears streaming down her face, holding Ayla's hand.

With a spike in concern, Gareth realized Lina was crying, too.

Ahmid must have sensed his presence, for he turned to meet his questioning eyes with an awkward smile. "Captain Levant, you come at a good time. But I'm surprised—did you even make it to the transit tube?"

Gareth stepped into the room, his eyes on Ayla. "Canaisis informs me of any changes in Ayla's condition."

As he came closer, he saw tears rolling down the sides of Ayla's face. She still seemed unconscious, and her face would have looked peaceful if not for the tears. The Ayla he knew was calm and confident, but sleeping Ayla appeared younger than her age with her slender features, almost child-like. She had a beauty about her either way, he decided.

He glanced back at Ahmid. "What happened?"

"She's found herself," Nura answered without taking her gaze off Ayla. "She can feel me—she knows we're here. We're able to reach out to her."

"I don't understand." Gareth put aside his frustration at feeling like an outsider. He'd never be able to bridge that gap, even as a Honorary Nilex member.

"She is getting better, Captain," answered Ahmid. "The tears are a sign of her improvement—she's not locked inside herself. The crisis is past. She's still within her Gift, but she will come back to us in time."

"How soon?"

"I cannot answer that, Captain—we're still in uncharted waters. But this is a very good sign that she'll get past this and return to us. Your nanomeds seem to be the answer she needed."

Gareth drew a silent sigh of relief. "I'm glad to hear that. Keep me posted on any changes, Ahmid."

He gave the two women each a look of acknowledgement and left the room. He made it ten steps down the hallway when he heard Lina's voice.


Halting, he turned to see her standing just outside the Med-bay doorway.

"Yes, Lina?"

"I would like a moment, please."

"Of course."

Lina approached him and stopped to look up at his face. Her expression was one of curiosity, but he saw deep exhaustion in her eyes. Dark circles framed them like her dark hair framed her face.

"Today I felt Ayla filled with dark emotions, ones I know she's never had before. The Gift is a window into someone's life, I'm told."

"Told?" Gareth echoed. "You don't have the gift?"

"In the early days, many Nilex had the Gift. Now, only a few of the strongest of us have it. Ayla is the only one in our generation, and we cherish her greatly. She's loved by all of us. We've made great sacrifices to keep her safe, especially Ahmid. I know this is an accident on Ayla's part, but it is you who asked for help with your Tree."

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One ∞ 2:  A Captain's JourneyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu