58 ∞ An Unusual Artist

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to LuckyCandy1776, who broke records speed reading.

"What was that?"
"I don't know. I couldn't get a glimpse."
"Don't just stand there! Get the fire extinguisher before we lose the whole chapter!"


Shortlisted - Day 0001

The sound of voices from the first compartment interrupted Gareth's thoughts. He wanted to ask Harlin questions, but now wouldn't be the best time.

"Well, I have to discuss this thirty percent with my wife before I make any decisions." Then, redirecting Harlin, he added, "You better go ahead and order those drinks. It sounds like they've begun boarding."

Harlin looked forward and listened, then stood up and took a step before Gareth stopped him.

"What are you doing?" Gareth motioned at the small computer monitor mounted on the facing wall panel.

Harlin smiled. "I'm not ordering through that-we might get just any old flight attendant. I'd much prefer to go talk to Sheila in person."

Gareth furrowed his brow in slight disapproval. "I'm sure Sheila has duties she needs to be performing right now, such as getting passengers to their seats."

"I bet any passenger she's dealing with would be happy at the chance of meeting a Two Hundred. It would be a shame to disappoint them, as well as my disappointment at not talking to Sheila."

Sighing, Gareth gave him a small, tolerant smile. "Alright. But if Sheila says go take your seat, you better. I don't want to be in the news for having to drag you off this shuttle, but I will. I'm sure Stacy wouldn't like it either."

Harlin snapped his body to attention, as if recognizing a superior officer. "I hear you. I promise to be a good boy."

With that, Harlin headed down the cabin and, just before he reached the next airlock, a flight attendant came in and directed people to their seats. Harlin managed to sweet talk and squeeze his way by them until he was out of sight. Gareth could only sigh again, not quite knowing what to make of Harlin. He didn't fit the 'loner' stereotype.

Gareth made himself comfortable in his seat and flicked his fingers at the monitor screen before him. It came to life and lit up with options. He selected the weather reports of both the landing port and his hometown. The monitor asked if he desired audio, stating that earbuds could be purchased at a reasonable cost simply by ordering them. Gareth thought about the next few hours with Harlin, then hit the order button. He might have an urge to listen to some music while he got some sleep.

He selected the visual option and scanned through the weather reports and forecasts. After that, he found himself at a loss for what to do next so he sent a message to Caitlin, informing her of his arrival. He'd thought it would have been nice to surprise her, but since word of the Two Hundred would have already spread across the planet, it was better to let her know he was coming home. With that done, he prepared himself to wait, leaned his head back, and closed his eyes. The sounds of the passengers getting seated and settled came closer as he relaxed.

"Excuse me, sir, but these people need to get past you."

Gareth snapped his eyes open to see a young female attendant with a woman and child behind her. He sat upright.

"Would you like me to step out or can you squeeze by?" he asked.

The flight attendant turned to the woman who held onto the child's hand.

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