75 ∞ Recalled for a Call

111 21 5

Shortlisted – Day 0003

Fighting the morning sluggishness and the dull headache, Gareth motioned at the wall monitor. It activated to display the view outside the apartment door.

Two uniformed men.

An alarm went off in the back of Gareth's mind, and he snapped to focus. The uniforms explained how they'd gotten inside the building, but Ancilla hadn't announced their imminent arrival. The only way that could happen was if they had the authority to request it.

Why they would make such a request was what had his alarms ringing. Did it have something to do with Caitlin? But the uniforms were military, not police. If Caitlin had died, the military might have decided to inform him personally, rather than letting some civil servant do it.

He'd have to answer the door. Desperately wanting to be wrong, he decided to respond via the door comms on the monitor first.

"Yes? May I help you?"

A gangly black man leaned forward to talk to the camera pad beside the door. "Is this Captain Levant?"


"I am Major Seth Wilkinson of Space Command. I'm currently assigned to the LS program. I was dispatched to escort Special Envoy Kempton to you." Wilkinson motioned to the blonde man next to him.

Gareth jumped up to stand before the wall monitor and tapped on the keypad for the internal camera view. Satisfied with his appearance, he keyed for two-way viewing. Now the two men could see him.

"May I ask what this is in regard to? Now is not a good time."

The man named Kempton half-stepped forward to address the camera. "Captain Levant, as you know, I'm a glorified messenger boy. But I have strict rules, and discussing business in a condominium hallway is not one of them. All that I can say is that I bring a communication request."

The man held up a slender case by way of request. Curiosity piqued Gareth's interest. What did this have to do with Caitlin? He tried to see every angle, but he couldn't imagine this being any of her doing. The men could wait as he thought about the situation, but he knew he couldn't take too long.

"Please allow me three minutes to get dressed appropriately," he said.

"Of course, we understand," stated Kempton.

Major Wilkinson looked annoyed with the Envoy's polite agreement.

"Stand by." Gareth turned off the monitor and cleared the wine bottle into the trash. He grabbed his duffel bag on the way to the bedroom and threw on his uniform clothes. Pausing a second, he contemplated the merits of donning his Captain's coat, then decided it couldn't hurt.

Two minutes and fifty-five seconds later, he opened the door and motioned for the men to come in. They filed into the living room and stood waiting until he gestured them to the sofa. The two sat and looked at him expectantly, but he remained standing next to the armchair. He wanted every psychological advantage he could get, and Captaincy had trained him well.

Envoy Kempton gave Wilkinson a nod to begin.

The Major cleared his throat. "Captain Gareth Levant, it is my duty to inform you that your military status has been reactivated. You are recalled to duty, with all the responsibility of your oath now in effect."

"On what grounds?" exploded Gareth.

"You know darn well you can be recalled at any time!"

"Military code 9, section B states that proper notice must be given beforehand, no less than fourteen days, unless in a state of emergency!" Gareth fired back at Wilkinson.

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One ∞ 2:  A Captain's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now