70 ∞ To Piggyback a Pulsar

113 21 2

Day 00010 Mission Nilex

It only took two hours to get the alignment of the second telescope set to their satisfaction. During that time, Ayla had returned from her hull flight to observe Gareth. He wasn't sure if he minded that or not.

«Shielding in place, Canaisis? I'm ready to insert the cartridge.»

«I never removed it, Captain,» responded Canaisis.

«I'm just making sure. I only brought the four, and I don't feel like having to go get more.»

«Aye, Captain.»

He opened the shielded pouch attached to his belt and removed the cartridge. Inserting it into its slot on the control panel, he watched the telescope accept it into itself. Then he punched in the correct settings, closed the access panel, and turned to retrieve his tool satchel.

«Is she still there?»

«Yes, Captain.»

«What's she doing?»

«Nothing. Just sitting quietly, thinking to herself.»

Satchel attached to his belt, he stood up straight and held up his hands. «Well, let's go to the next one.»

He caught the two drone balls and released his mag-boots. As Canaisis carried him across the hull, he scanned the surface. He didn't expect to find any damage, but sometimes, it was old habits that kept them safe.

Ayla watched the Captain fly over the hull and out of sight, so she turned her gaze to the stars. In the back of her mind, the wind was blowing, pushing the scraping of hard ash to the fore. She fought the sound, denied it.

I'm here, on the ship Canaisis, looking at the stars, she kept repeating to herself. It's peaceful and quiet.

Eventually the sound abated.

Resting here among the stars with mental silence gave her peace and space to think. It was with this feeling that she could look upon her memories and examine them. Her thoughts touched upon the moment the Captain had asked her to call him Gareth. Then she remembered the tale Gareth had told her at the picnic table. His tale had not encompassed how bad it had really been, but his eyes had told her. She just hadn't been able to understand, then.

I understand now, don't I? Her body shivered a little, and she pulled up her knees and rested upon them with crossed arms.

Her heart went out to the man behind the Captain. When her heart had decided this, she didn't know. But it had. There was more to Gareth than what her Gift had shown her—she knew that much.

Her Gift had missed the mark. What it had shown her didn't explain the abyss she'd seen in those eyes. He had not been seeking his wife's ashes in that mausoleum. He'd been seeking something else.

His mission.

His commitment to duty.

His conviction...

Canaisis was right. It's what kept him going. Ayla had never met a man like him. As long as he had a purpose, he wouldn't stop.

She brought her arms behind her and pushed off from the hull. With her boots mag-locked, she floated to an upright position, and held her hands out.

«May I go back to the airlock, Canaisis?»

«Of course.»

Two glowing drones came over the horizon of the hull and flew to her. The one that had always remained with her drifted off to the side. When she caught the two drones in her hands, she demagnetized her boots and was pulled after the first drone. It led the way over the hull until they reached the airlock. After her boots had a secure magnetic grip, she paused and looked around.

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One ∞ 2:  A Captain's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now