Chronicle Three ∞ A Shard Of Code

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A/N: To our loyal and faithful Readers, we appreciate and value each and every one of you. After every chapter posting, we look with anticipation for your votes. We notice when one of you is gone. We read every comment and answer with joy, your feedback is what makes this project worth it.

So with that, let us apologize for the week's delay in posting Chapter 114. We feel as if we have let you down and will strive to not do so again. Our reason for the delay is multifaceted. One, Chapter 114 is almost six thousand words long. Two, Chronicle Two is twice as long as C1, so we decided to divide it in half, and therefore there will now be three chronicles.

The title of C3 is currently 'A Shard of Code'. However, if any of our loyal Readers wish to read C3 as a separate entity and come up with a better-suited title, we will be sure to recognize and give proper credit at the end of the book. This contest is open only to our loyal Readers. (Sorry, silent Readers, you're out of luck.)

To continue, please pardon all the notifications during this construction period. The dust will settle down soon enough, and we will be back to our regular posting schedule. Now, on to Chapter 114  which is now live in C3, and we hope it is worth the wait.

—Sincerely, Raven (and Lady Annika)

CHRONICLES OF CANAISIS continues...  (see link in inline comment) >>>>>>>

Remember to add it to your My Library so you will automatically get updated. We would also appreciate you adding all three books to one of your public reading lists for visibility. ;-)


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