63 ∞ Stuck in His Ways

104 23 2

Day 00009 Mission Nilex

With a suddenness that surprised her, Ayla felt herself again within her own body. She opened her eyes and looked around.

She was in a bed. Lina sat in a chair next to her with her head tilted to one side, sleeping.

A sense of déjà vu hit Ayla. "Canaisis, is this a dream?"

Lina's head snapped up, and her eyes grew round at the sight of Ayla. With a scream of delight, she lunged up and hugged Ayla hard.

"You're back! Thank Gaia, you had us so scared, Ayla!"

As Lina rocked her back and forth, Ayla heard Canaisis answer in her mind, «No, Ayla, this is real. You've controlled your Gift and returned.»

Lina pulled back, held onto Ayla's arms, and regarded her with a speculative look. "How are you? Do you wish to share the Burden?"

All the memories crashed into Ayla at once, the mere question throwing her emotions into plummeting chaos. Despair swept through her, and she couldn't hold back the tears. Lina hugged her close again and poured all her love into her.

"It's okay. I'm sorry—I shouldn't have asked. It's going to be alright. You're back, and I'm not going anywhere until you're yourself again."

Great sobs wracked Ayla as she held onto Lina, burying her face in her sister's chest, trying to block the images of a dead world floating in her mind. She could hear the ash blowing in the wind, and she hated the sound, hated the cold in her hands and feet.

Nura crashed through the door at a dead run to their side. Panting, she wrapped her arms around them both. Ayla felt the love Nura offered pour into her, but the cold and sound of grating wind remained. She couldn't stop the images of bones and a dead city covered in ash. She couldn't stop the darkness from filling her mind. It was too much, the vice grip of despair pulling her down.

«Canaisis, help me," she cried out in her mind. «I can't take it!»

«I'm here, Ayla. You're experiencing a form of shock. This will pass—be patient.»

«I don't think I can. How did he do it? How did he get over all he saw?»

«Did he? I think it best you ask him yourself, Ayla.»

«I don't know... I don't know if I can talk to him, Canaisis,» she responded between the sobs wracking her body. "Not right now.»

«He needs you more than he knows, Ayla. We both do. You're a healer—will you turn away? You're the strongest of the Nilex Corporation, are you not? I remind you of your duty, Ayla.»

Ayla clenched her fists as her body shivered, tears rolling down her face. Lina squeezed her as Ayla pulled her emotions together with long, deep breaths. She felt herself gaining control ever so slowly. Lina and Nura's combined strength gave her the support she needed as she collected her thoughts. Lina hugged her even tighter, and gradual warmth returned to Ayla's extremities. The sound of ash swirling in the wind receded into the distance, and she could finally make out her friends' constant words of comfort.

Strength returned to Ayla with each breath. When she had enough control, she pushed back to make them release her, Lina sitting on the edge of the bed, Nura standing over them both.

Lina clasped Ayla's hand in both of hers. "It's alright now. We're right here, and we're not letting go of you."

"That's right," said Nura. "You scared us silly, and we aren't ever going to let you do that again."

Ayla took comfort in the love coming from them as she shook her head. "I'm okay."

Lina smiled at her words. "No, you're not. You are far from okay. But things will get better. It's just going to take time."

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One ∞ 2:  A Captain's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now