Overwhelming Pain

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Jeongwoo's POV...
I arrived home late that night, when I got home my mom asked where I was. I told her not to worry about it but she grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to face her. "Park Jeongwoo you better answer me right now!" She shouted at me.

"I went to see Haruto okay." After saying that she let go of my arm and yelled at me "Haruto? As in watanabe? Why would you go to see him after he left you?" I almost let out a tear after she said that to me. "Don't remind me about that mom, don't you think I feel bad enough already."

"Me and his father had plans for the two of you. You were supposed to marry him. But you let him slip through your fingers. He is the one that got away and you know it." I turned to her and shouted at her "Mom just stop it, let it rest okay?" I walked to my room not wanting to talk to her anymore. I laid on my bed and started to cry, ten minutes has passed and I wiped my tears from face and walked to my closet.

I pulled out a box that was full of pictures and other memories. It was pictures of me and Haruto, pictures that we took when we were dating. The words that my mom said to me kept repeating in my head.

It was my sophomore year in high school. I was so nervous about it, I just moved and knew no one here.  As I was walking to class a group of boys started to follow me. Before I could turn around to see them I was pushed to the floor.

They started to laugh at me "Look here boys fresh meat." Said one of them. One of the boys got in my face and started to examine my face "We got ourselves a pretty boy." They picked me up and shoved me into the lockers. One of them started to go through my pockets and pulled out my personal items.

Before anything could happen I heard someone yelling down the hallway, when I looked a backpack was thrown at one of the guys. "Get your hands off him." Said someone in a deep voice pulling the guys hand off of my shoulder. After he pulled his hand off he pushed him to the ground.

"Are you alright?" He asked me. I shook my head while looking down. He grabbed my hand and took me away. He took me to the student council room "Are you hurting anywhere?" He asked me. I told him my knee from when they pushed me. He started to examine my knee and was moving it around, I flinched "Ow!"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." He said in a panic voice. "It's okay." I said reassuring him. While he was doing what he was doing I started to talk to him "What's your name?" I asked. He looked up at me with a smile "It's Haruto. Haruto watanabe. What's yours?" I smiled back at him "Park Jeongwoo." He smiled and got up.

"Can you walk?" He asked me, I nodded and got up. I started to limp a little, as I was walking I tripped and fell but Haruto caught me. While he was holding me my heart started to race and my cheeks began to flush with pink. I noticed him getting red as well "Be careful I don't want you to hurt yourself more." He said to me.

Time skip...
It's been 3 months now, Haruto and I grew closer. We did almost everything together, but the more we hung out I noticed that I started to see him as more than a friend. It was Valentine's Day, I had planned for weeks to tell Haruto how I felt towards him.

I was walking around the school looking for him. I had a gift bag full of his favorite snacks and sweets. And I was going to ask if he wanted to hang out later today. I went to Asahi's class to ask where he was. He told me Haruto went to the roof top with a girl. It felt like a donkey kick to the face.

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