Beside you

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No ones POV...
They only made it half way when noa came in. Noa saw the fear in junkyu's eyes, he turned to haruto. "Get your hands off him before I call the police" he said. Haruto scoffed at him, he looked at junkyu then back to noa, "just call the police."

"What's up with you, haruto?" asked junkyu, "we broke up." Haruto chuckled facing junkyu, "I don't want to break up with you anymore." He walked forward pulling junkyu harshly. Noa stood in-front of him blocking his way. He reached in his pocket for his phone and began to dial the number to the police.

Haruto rolled his eyes scoffing again. The call went through and noa began to talk. "Ahh seriously!" Hey. Here" he let junkyu's hand go. He chuckled a bit, "I'll leave, I really will." Haruto turned back to junkyu, he ruffled his hair making junkyu uncomfortable. "Hey junkyu.. I'll see you later."

He looked at noa then walked off purposely bumping into his shoulder. Noa put the phone back to his ear apologizing to the dispatcher. He turned around to see if haruto was gone. Once out of sight noa walked to junkyu hugging him. "Are you okay?" junkyu slowly nodded. Junkyu tighten his arms around noa.

He started to cry, noa wiped his tears telling him its okay. Jihoon and hyunsuk finally arrived, they saw haruto when they were walking in, so they knew he did something. Hyunsuk angrily walked to him, he pushed haruto yelling at him, "Yah! Why can't you just leave them be?" Haruto shoved hyunsuk back, "what's it to you? This doesn't concern you." Hyunsuk clutched his hand into a fist.

Before things began to get heated and escalate further a security guard walked over. "What's going on here?" haruto sarcastically smiled at hyunsuk. "Nothing just a misunderstanding" hyunsuk said. He looked back haruto and saw him mouthing the words 'good boy.' They walked off going their separate ways.

When they entered the café they saw junkyu sitting down with noa. Jihoon rushed over to him apologizing, "Junkyu I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. Are you okay? He didn't hurt you right?" Junkyu moved his head down and Jihoon saw his hair messed up with his scalp red. "Junkyu you have to go to the police" said jihoon. Junkyu shook his head saying no, "it'll only make it worse."

"He keeps bothering you and I don't like that" hyunsuk and noa both agreed with Jihoon. While being scolded by his friends and boyfriend junkyu's phone dinged again. He thought haruto messaged him again, but it was his mother instead. "It's my mom, she said they're in Korea."

Jihoon's face lit up, "is Suzuka with her?" Junkyu nodded at him. Jihoon got happy because he loves little kids. Noa looked at them confused on who they were talking about. "Who's Suzuka?" He asked. "Ooh she's junkyu's little sister and she's so adorable" said jihoon squealing.

Noa turned to junkyu, "you have a little sister? Since when?" Junkyu smiled, "she was born two years ago. I named her Suzuka after.. haruto's mother." Noa's smile disappeared, "you named her after haruto's mother?" Junkyu went silent he didn't want to answer him. "Well, it's a good name and his parents love it" said jihoon.

"If junkyu loves the name then I will to" noa smiled at junkyu grabbing his hand. "Do you want to meet her?" junkyu asked. Noa nodded while smiling. They gathered their items and headed out. Jihoon turned to junkyu, "this conversation is not over." They arrived to the place where his mother was staying at. As they were standing out side noa took a deep breath preparing himself.

"Ready?" Junkyu asked. Noa nodded with a worried look, he was afraid junkyu's sister wouldn't like him. Junkyu knocked on the door peaking inside, "hello?" His mom stood up walking to the door. "Awe my baby, how are you?" she embraced Junkyu with a hug.

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