All hope is lost

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No Ones POV...
While junkyu was standing there crying he felt a water drop on his head. Then another and another, he looked up and saw it was sprinkling. "Not now." Junkyu said sobbing, he hates the rain.

The rain came down fast and harder triggering Junkyu's asthma and shivers. He had no where to go, his parents moved to the U.S. to continue the restaurant business there. He couldn't call jihoon because he ended their friendship and he got kicked out the penthouse by Haruto...he was alone and had no one.

Asahi's POV...
"Ahh jaehyuk the rain is coming down harder now." I said to jaehyuk looking out the cafe's window. I told him we should've left early when it began to sprinkle. "We'll be okay. Besides you love the rain." He said to me with a smile.

I chuckled then finished my food. We packed our belongs, I'm glad we had waterproof bags if we didn't our stuff would be ruined. It was romantic walking in the rain with jaehyuk. I kept peeking my head out from the umbrella letting the droplets hit me.

We got to our car, as I was putting our stuff in the backseat I heard someone crying and breathing hard. I turned around looking around the park. "Asahi what it is?" I told him to be quiet. "Do you hear that?" Jaehyuk looked around as well nodding his head.

I walked towards the park not caring if I was getting wet. I looked around for three minutes when I saw him. It was Junkyu.

Jihoon's POV...
"Hyunsuk the popcorn is almost done!" I shouted. Hyunsuk and I have movie nights every Friday. I walked into the living room placing the bowl on Hyunsuk's lap. He wrapped his around me kissing my cheek. We we're enjoying our movie when I saw my phone going off.

"Huh? Who is this?" I said looking at the unknown number ID displayed.


"Hi, uhh, is this Park jihoon?"

"Who's asking?"

"My name is Asahi Hamada, I'm calling because your friend looks in bad shape."

My friend? I thought to myself not knowing who he was talking about. "Which friend?" I asked him. "Kim Junkyu." My eyes widen when I heard the name. "What do you mean? Is he okay?" I asked almost shouting.

"Me and my boyfriend were walking around when we heard something crying. His breathing is unstable and he's shivering like crazy." I could hear Junkyu crying along with Asahi and his boyfriend trying to calm him down. "Where are you guys at?" Asahi sent me the location, I hurried and got my self ready.

"What's wrong?" Hyunsuk asked me. "It's Junkyu, Asahi found him in a park crying. I have to see if he is alright." Hyunsuk got ready as well offering to come with. What a good boyfriend I have.

It took ten minutes to get there and I was broken at seeing the way Junkyu was. I got out the car not giving Hyunsuk some time to park. "Junkyu!! It's okay I'm here. You're alright." I took my jacket off placing it on him. "What happened to him?" I asked looking up at Asahi and jaehyuk.

"I don't know we found him like this." I looked back down at Junkyu who was trying to talk. Even with him in bad condition I was able to make out what he was trying to say. "Asahi does Haruto have an apartment around this area?" Asahi looked around at the street we were on. "Yeah, down the road and to the left."

"Take me there." I got Junkyu in Hyunsuk's car. I told him to take him back to the apartment, Asahi told jaehyuk to go with him.

We arrived to the building. I banged on the door when I saw someone walking towards us. "May I help you?" The person asked. "Haruto, where is he?" He told me Haruto was upstairs. "Go get him. NOW!!" I shouted. A minute later I saw that piece of shit walking down.

"What is it—" before I could let him finish I threw a punch almost breaking his nose. "That's for hurting Junkyu." I wanted to hurt him more but Asahi pulled me back. I walked off leaving Haruto there with his nose bleeding.

I got back to the apartment running inside. When I entered the room I saw Junkyu sitting on a chair still trying to catch his breath. "Junkyu it's okay I'm here." I removed my jacket off from him. "Hyunsuk get me new clothes and a hair dryer, Asahi get me a bucket of hot water with a face towel, and jaehyuk get me a thick blanket. We have one in the closet." The three looked at me lost. "Today!!" I said making them flinch.

I got Junkyu out the wet clothes, I dried his hair and wrapped the blanket around. "Oh Junkyu you're just freezing." I ran to the room grabbing Junkyu's spare inhaler I keep with me. Junkyu refused to take it but I made him. It took a few minutes but I was able to calm him down.

Junkyu wiped his tears before throwing his arms around me. It felt nice holding my best friend, I rubbed his head telling him everything will be fine.

But... I was wrong... Junkyu fell into depression.

A month has passed, Hyunsuk and I let Junkyu live with us. But we hardly saw him, he spent most of his time in his room. "Hyunsuk I'm getting worried for him." I said resting my head on his shoulder. "I feel like his depression is getting worse. He won't go to his sessions."

Hyunsuk laid my head on his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair making me fall asleep.

No one's POV...
Junkyu would just stay in the room not wanting jihoon to see him in the condition he was in. As Junkyu was scrolling through his phone looking at the news he saw an article that pushed him deep into his horrible thoughts. He saw that Haruto and Junghwan have tied the knot.

He threw his phone at wall breaking it, he hid under his blankets crying. "Junkyu is everything okay?" Jihoon asked. He didn't answer him. Jihoon frowned then continued to do the dishes.

Hyunsuk arrived back to the apartment "how is he jihoon?" Jihoon shook his head indicating he wasn't doing well. "He hasn't ate all day too." Hyunsuk looked over to the door and saw the food pile. He hugged jihoon, he knew he needed it. "I'm out of ideas." Jihoon said crying.

Two days later...
Jihoon brought yoshi over so he could see Junkyu. "How is he so far?" Yoshi asked as they made their way up to the apartment. "Not good." Yoshi frowned hearing Jihoon's words. "But I think he'll be happy to see you." Said jihoon.

They arrived back inside. Hyunsuk placed the groceries on the table. As jihoon was taking the items out the bag he looked over to Junkyu's room and saw the door was open.

Happiness and hope filled Jihoon's heart. "You guys look." Hyunsuk and yoshi turned around both smiling. Jihoon ran in "Junkyu?" He looked around to see the bed was fixed and his clothes were put away. "He's not here."

"Maybe he went out." Yoshi said. Jihoon didn't mind because it's what He wanted him to do. "Uh jihoon.. look." Jihoon turned around and saw Hyunsuk holding a note. He walked over, Hyunsuk handed it to him. Jihoon opened the note and read it out loud.

Dear, jihoon

By the time you're reading this I'll be on a flight to Japan. I've come to my senses that I couldn't do it anymore. With everything that is happening has been too much for me to handle. Just know I'm where I wanna be. I left the house all clean tidy. Don't come searching for me please. I've made my way down to the forest. I found my way out. Tell my parents and little sister I love them. Thank you for being there for me. I love you and yoshi so much.

Sincerely, Junkyu

"Forest what does he mean by that?" Hyunsuk asked. Jihoon re-read the note again making his heart drop. "Jihoon what is it?" Jihoon slowly turned to yoshi with his eyes getting watery. Yoshi looked at him confused but figured it out "No."
A/N: Ending on a sad part. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and bye!

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