Out of the old

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No one's POV...
The next morning jihoon woke up startled, he had a nightmare about the incident. He got up trying to move his neck, but it was stif from the position he was laying in. Jihoon sat up and saw a nurse and doctor walking towards them.

He looked to his sides to wake up yoshi and Hyunsuk. The two finally woke up and stood up to hear about the condition Junkyu was in. "Hello, are you Park jihoon?" Jihoon nodded trying to prepare himself.

"Well, we were able to save him. He lost a lot of blood and blood flow from his neck on up. He's stable now, sleeping, but we don't know when he'll wake up." Jihoon began to cry happy tears. He thought they lost him. "He does have a scar around his neck from the rope. It'll heal and fade away, but it's gonna take some time." Jihoon nodded thanking the doctor.

He asked if they can see him, but the doctor said no. The doctor said they can wait outside his room if they want to. They accepted it, just as they were walking down the hall a police officer approached them.

"Excuse me are you Park jihoon." Jihoon looked at him confused because he couldn't understand Japanese. Yoshi had to translate for him. "I have a young man here looking for you. He's the one that found your friend." Chills ran down his spine. He wasn't ready to meet the person just yet.

The officer moved out the way showing a 5'7 guy with yellow highlights in his hair. "Hi, I'm Takata Mashiho. How's your friend?" Jihoon hesitated a bit before answering him. "He's good and stable. Thank you for calling the help when you found him." Mashiho nodded with a smile.

"Is there anything we can do to repay you?" Yoshi asked. He didn't want to leave hanging. "No, it's fine." Yoshi insisted after hearing Mashiho.

Mashiho finally agreed. He asked where they we're going "We're going to wait outside Junkyu's room. He's sleeping." Said Hyunsuk. Mashiho asked if he could join them, but jihoon said it was fine and he's done so much already.

Three days later...
Yoshi offered the two to stay with him at his parents house. They agreed because they didn't want to spend the night in the hospital. Jihoon was sleeping quietly on Hyunsuk's chest. The two were woken up by yoshi barging into their room.

"Oh shit my eyes!" Yoshi said covering his eyes and walking back out. Jihoon and Hyunsuk looked down realizing they didn't have their clothes on. They remembered what they did last night, they quickly got dressed before letting yoshi back inside.

"What is it?" Jihoon asked trying to fix his shirt. "The hospital called.. Junkyu's awake."

Time skip...
The three arrived to the hospital asking the front desk for Junkyu. As they we're talking the doctor from yesterday came down and took them to Junkyu's room.

They arrived and jihoon stopped. "You okay jihoon?" Asked Hyunsuk and yoshi at the same time. He nodded "Let me just take a deep breath." The two nodded. They knew it was gonna be hard for him. Jihoon took a deep breath then walked in. As he walked in he saw Junkyu's family sitting down.

Junkyu's mom got up and went to Junkyu "Sweetie there's someone here for you." Jihoon walked passed the curtain and started cry. Junkyu looked at him and cried as well. Jihoon walked to his bed opening his arms to hug him. He hugged him for so long, not wanting to let him go.

"Let's give them some time." Said Junkyu's father. All them walked out leaving jihoon and Junkyu alone. "I'm so sorry." Junkyu said as he cried. "It's okay, you're safe now." Jihoon broke the hug looking at Junkyu. He was pale and sorta had some circles under his eyes. He slowly looked down to his neck and saw the scar the doctor was talking about.

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