While were young

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No one's POV...
Noa arrived back to his apartment alone. He walked into their room laying down on junkyu's side of the bed. He got up and went to junkyu's closet taking his hoodie off of the hanger. Noa laid back down hugging the hoodie, he could smell junkyu's scent on the clothing making him cry more.

He walked to the kitchen getting a storage bag, sticking the hoodie inside. He didn't want the scent leaving. Noa cried more tears realizing he won't be able to see junkyu's smile, hear his laugh or hold him anymore. His anger got the best of him, noa walked to the living room throwing everything, breaking stuff. His hands started to bleed, but he didn't care.

One week later...
The day came to lay junkyu to rest. Noa stared at the casket, he still didn't want to believe that his boyfriend was gone. He wanted to hold him one more time. Next to him was Junkyu's parents and Suzuka, "mama where's junkyu?" Suzuka asked. She started to cry when hearing her daughters question.

"Junkyu is sleeping now, baby" she said as she fixed suzuka's hair. "When is he going to wake up?" She asked. Noa got up going into another room alone. He crouched down crying. Three minutes later jihoon and yoshi came in to check on him. They walked to him wrapping their arms around him, "why did it have to be him? Why?!" said noa.

"It's okay noa. Junkyu is in a better place now. No one can hurt him anymore" jihoon said hugging noa. Noa grabbed his arm tightly crying like a little kid.

Five months later...
Noa placed his suitcase in his vehicle. "Wow still can't believe you're moving to the states" said jihoon placing another suitcase in. "Well, it's time for a new beginning. Me and kyu planned to live here our whole lives, but life had different plans" noa said closing the trunk.

Jihoon smiled hugging noa, "I know I'm sorry. I really like how you still call junkyu by his nickname." Noa chuckled nodding. "It's been a while since he passed, but it still feels like he's here." Jihoon patted his back saying, "he will always be here. Even though we can't see him."

"I'm going to miss you guys" noa hugged yoshi and Jihoon one last time. "You be safe out there, okay?" Noa nodded his head, "I will don't worry." He gave them one more hug before getting in his car, waving goodbye then leaving.

Noa stopped at a red light to check his phone. He smiled while looking at the picture of him and junkyu that was set as his wallpaper. He stepped on the gas pedal when the light turned green. As he was turning he heard tires scrape against the road followed by a loud honk. Noa turned to the direction of the noise and saw a truck coming at him with full speed.

Everything went black once the truck hit him.


Noa shot up from his bed sweating. His breathing was shaky and unstable. He wiped the sweat away freaking out. His head shot to the other side of the bed as he pulled the blanket down revealing junkyu who was silently sleeping. It's been almost a month since junkyu was shot. Just a week ago he was released from the hospital.

Almost every night he would have a nightmare displaying that junkyu died. Not wanting to wake up his boyfriend noa got up and went into the living room. He turned the news channel on where the news reporter was talking about haruto. "Earlier today haruto watanabe was sentenced to prison for the attempted murder of Kim junkyu. He got life without parole."

His attention went to junkyu who was slowly walking into the living room. Noa quickly turned the TV off before junkyu could see. "Did I wake you, kyu?" Junkyu shook his head. He placed his hand over his stomach when feeling a small pain.

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