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No one's POV...
Junkyu turned around and saw haruto standing there, watching them. "Congratulations" said haruto emotionless and bitter. Junkyu back up when haruto moved in closer, noa got in front of him. He grabbed tightly onto junkyu's hand, "you're not welcomed here" said noa. "I just wanted to say hi" he was about to touch junkyu, but noa pushed his hand away.

He chuckled, then swung his fist towards noa. Before he could make contact hyunsuk jumped in catching it in time. "Leave them alone" he said in anger. Yoshi, jihoon, and mashiho then arrived gathering to block Junkyu. Haruto let out a bitter laugh, "ahh I'm just here to collect what is mine."

They looked at him with lost and confused emotions, "and that is?" hyunsuk questioned. Haruto tilted his head, making eye contact with junkyu. He smiled then reached into his pocket pulling out a folded sheet of paper. Haruto unfolded it revealing the certificate they both signed when haruto gave junkyu the watanabe name. "From the looks of it junkyu never changed his last name, he's still known as Watanabe Junkyu. Therefore he still belongs to me."

They immediately shot their heads at junkyu. Jihoon faced back to haruto them grabbed the certificate, ripping it into pieces. Haruto chuckled again informing them that he has other copies. "Ahh you little shit" jihoon had enough. He threw his fist at haruto causing him to fall to the ground. He got on top of him throwing more punches, almost breaking haruto's face. The others rushed over pulling him off.

Haruto chuckled while wiping the blood from his lip. "Enjoy your time together, I'll be back" said haruto as he walked off. Once out of sight everyone turned around to junkyu who was now on the verge of crying. Noa placed his hands on his cheeks, "kyu it's okay he's gone now, you're safe now" he said wrapping his arms around him.

Once in his arms junkyu's tears bursted out. He squeezed noa tightly, noa rubbed his head repeatedly saying you're okay, junkyu. I'm here. Jihoon on the other hand was still pissed at haruto, "why did you pull me away? I was so close to breaking that assholes face." Hyunsuk sighed, "you do realize haruto could file a harassment lawsuit against you, right?"

"Ohh" said jihoon, who was now embarrassed. Hyunsuk grabbed his hands and began to examine them, "Jihoon they're bleeding" he said. "It's just a paper cut" they all rolled their eyes at him. Junkyu smiled followed by a little laugh, Jihoon walked to him giving him a warm hug. "You okay?" Junkyu nodded, "that's good."

"I need a drink after all that" said yoshi. Followed by hyunsuk saying, "count me in." They arrived to the room and yoshi began pouring them the alcohol. Hyunsuk went to the bathroom, getting the first aid kit. He wrapped up jihoon's knuckle, "go easy with them now, okay?" Jihoon nodded then kissed hyunsuk.

"Ohh Jihoon I'm so happy for what you did. Such a badass" jihoon clanked his cup with yoshi before slamming down the liquid.

"He was like 'I have other copies' then bam bitch went down" they laughed when hearing yoshi. "I'm just glad we got there in time. I mean who knows what haruto would've done to them" said mashiho. They agreed then hyunsuk spoke, "haruto has an ugly temper. Push the wrong buttons and all hell breaks loose."

"Junkyu, how are yo—" mashiho stopped mid question. They looked over to the couch and saw Junkyu sleeping on noa's lap. Noa was also asleep, he was holding junkyu's hand as well. "Cute" said yoshi. Jihoon walked over waking up noa, "go lay down in junkyu's room. Don't want you guys to be in an uncomfortable position."

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