Crazy over you

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No one's POV...
Haruto arrived back to his apartment, it was almost midnight. As he walked into the living room, he saw Junghwan sitting on the couch. "Where we're you?" He asked crossing his arms. "Sorry the meeting took long" said Haruto as he removed his coat.

Junghwan got up from the couch and walked towards him "Is everything okay?" Haruto didn't answer him and just shrugged it off. He took his shoes off and walked away from him. Junghwan walked up to him and grabbed his arm, "Ruto answer me. Is everything alright?"

Haruto couldn't take it anymore, he turned around to face Junghwan "Can you just let me be for a moment? I'm tired." Junghwan was taken back at him. He flinched a little at the sight of him. Haruto just walked passed him and went upstairs leaving him alone.

Back at Jihoon's apartment noa and Junkyu just arrived. "Thank you again for dinner. I really enjoyed it" Junkyu said smiling. "Of course kyu.  I'm happy you had fun." Before he could think noa wrapped his arms around Junkyu.

Junkyu's eyes widen when he felt noa hug him. But he didn't mind, he wanted this. Junkyu hugged him back, for the first time in a while he felt safe and secured. He didn't want this moment end. "Okay Junkyu, I'm gonna head out now. I'll call you tonight when I arrive back to my hotel" said noa.

Junkyu nodded, before noa left he gave him one more hug. The two said their bye's and parted ways. Junkyu walked into the apartment with a big smile. He couldn't believe what just happened, "Someone seems happy." Junkyu looked up and saw jihoon and Hyunsuk at the counter watching him.

"How was your dinner date?" Jihoon asked smirking at him. Junkyu's cheeks flushed with pink "It was fun." He walked over to the counter opening his mouth so jihoon can put a fruit in. Jihoon picked a strawberry up with his fork and was about to give it to Junkyu until he pulled it away and ate it.

He let out a chuckle with an annoying smile. Junkyu pouted then headed to the kitchen to get his own. He walked back to his room sticking his tongue out at jihoon. Meanwhile Hyunsuk was laughing at the two.

Next day...
Junkyu was in the kitchen stuffing his face with pancakes that jihoon made for him. While he was eating his phone started to ring, he smiled when he saw it to be Noa's number. "Hello?"

"Junkyu, do you want to join me in my studio hunting trip?"

"Oh yeah, I would love to. When do you want to meet?"

"In the next hour. I'll come by to pick you up, okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine. See you soon."

Junkyu ended the call, he shoved one more pancake in his mouth then headed to his room to get ready. He is so happy to see and hang out with noa again, while he was getting ready his phone dinged. He walked over to it and saw a new message.

His heart dropped when he saw it was Haruto that messaged him. He quickly deleted the message and set his phone down on his desk. He sat down trying to catch his breath, the horrible memories began to show up. Junkyu stop it, he can no longer hurt you he thought to himself.

Jihoon walked in and saw how he was acting. "Are you okay?" He quickly walked to him taking a seat on his bed. He wrapped his arms around him and was rubbing his head. Jihoon instantly knew something was wrong. He didn't want to talk about so he just tried to calm Junkyu down.

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