Finding you

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No one's POV...
The next day... while Junkyu was silently sleeping in his room jihoon barged in waking him up. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty. Hup. Hup. Hup." Junkyu groaned pulling the blankets back over his head. Jihoon got off the bed and pulled the blankets off, Junkyu shivered from the cold. He moved his hand around looking for the covers.

Jihoon walked to the kitchen to grab Junkyu's breakfast. "Get your clothes on. Get ready! Got breakfast for you." Jihoon came back in showing the food he made for his friend "Look you get porridge." Before Junkyu could think jihoon shoved the spoon in his mouth.

After eating his breakfast Junkyu got ready and left saying bye to jihoon and Hyunsuk.

"Okay that's it for today Junkyu. I'll see you same time next week." Junkyu got up from the chair shaking his therapist's hand. He has therapy sessions before his afternoon classes. After a lot of thinking and planning Junkyu decided to re-enroll himself back in college.

He started taking extra classes to get his scores up, so he gets out of school late. It was 7:30pm he was able to catch the last bus of night. While he was staring outside watching the buildings passing by he felt his phone vibrating and saw jihoon was calling.

"Yes, Jihoon?"

"Junkyu are you almost home the pizza is almost here."

"Yes, I am, I should be back in 10 minutes."

"Okay then. See you soon bye." Junkyu ended the call and resumed staring out the window. He got lost in his thoughts admiring the beautiful colors on the billboards and signs. "Junkyu?" Hearing someone call his name caught his attention.

Junkyu turned around seeing a handsome guy looking at him. "Kim Junkyu?" The guy said. Junkyu looked at him confused, he stared at the guy when it finally clicked "Noa? Noa kazama?!" Noa let out a big smile once Junkyu recognized him.

Junkyu gasped out loud backing up to the window. Everyone on the bus turned to faced them as they heard the two. Junkyu turned red from embarrassment. "Oh my god Noa, how are you? It's been so long." Junkyu said moving closer to him. "I'm doing good. I officially moved back to Korea."

"Ohh really? When did you move back?" Junkyu asked with a big smile. "I came back about three days ago. I'm just apartment hunting. And studio hunting as well."

"Studio hunting?" Asked Junkyu. "Oh yeah, I'm starting to get into making music." Junkyu smiled at him "Music? That's so cool!" Noa felt so happy seeing Junkyu again. He had so many questions for him.

But before they could talk more the bus came to a halt "Oh this is my stop." Junkyu said gathering his stuff. Noa reacted quickly pulling his phone out "Here give me your number so we can hang out soon." Junkyu smiled shyly grabbing the phone and entering his number.

Junkyu smiled and waved bye before leaving. As he hopped off the bus he felt a droplet on his head. "Oh no please." Junkyu placed his hands over his head while looking up. More rain began to come down, Junkyu pouted letting out a little whine.

He then felt the droplets stop, he looked up and saw an umbrella over him. Junkyu slowly turned around and was met with the eyes of Noa. "Oh Noa. What are you doing?" Said Junkyu. "Well, I know how much you hate the rain. Good thing I came prepared." Noa said smiling looking up at his umbrella.

Junkyu's felt warm inside, he was surprised that noa still remembered the little things about him. "Wait wasn't this the last stop?" Junkyu said pointing at the bus leaving. "Oh yeah.. I guess it was." Said noa laughing. "How are you gonna get back?"

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