3- Act Normal Denki

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"Oh Midoriya, if only you'd known how close you were to the truth." I silently chuckled to myself.

"Kaminari! Stop muttering to yourself and pay attention!" Aizawa sensei shouted, making me snap my head up and nearly fall off my chair thanks to my jumpy nature. Of cause he noticed, giving me a confused glare before turning back to the board, "As I was saying, mind quirks often have memory or sleep related drawbacks, for example, a telek....qui....ght....hav...dr...."

I zoned out, like completely.

Sometimes I choose to zone out, other times I couldnt control it and my ADHD decided for me, such as this.

Not that I really minded, it makes my mind go blank often, meaning that I am granted with a few minutes or seconds of peace and silence.

Its amusing really, not many people knowtise, and when they do, they chalk it up to me being lazy. I will just laugh it off and joke about it with them.

But I feel every sting of their words.

I know a decent portion of them aren't meant to be mean or cruel, but they are.

They hurt, just like that conversation on the BakuSquad group chat last night.


"dude, did you fall asleep again? lol"

"werent you paying attention?"

I was drowning in an ocean of words, and every time a boat appeared with my friends, they just tossed more water on top of me. Like they wanted me to drown.

Like they knew what a failure I was.

"Denki Kaminari!" I jumped at the sudden voice, looking up at the person responsible with fear until i saw that it was Aizawa and I immediately changed it to one of surprise.

I couldn't have he knowing the truth.

"Urh... yes sir?" I quickly asked, schooling my features to one of pure innocence, banishing any darkness from my face.

"Jesus kid, I've been calling your name for the best part of 5 minutes!" he shouted, making me flinch as he was right next to my desk. Aizawa hesitated before sighing, oh god did he see me flinch? "I was going to ask you to answer a question, but now class is over. Go to your next lesson everyone." He growled, pulling away form my desk and slumping back at his.

I couldn't have been more desperate to get out of that room. Grabbing my stuff, I practically bolted out of the classroom, ignoring the looks of my classmates as my breathing increased and I dashed to the bathroom. I just needed to be alone before it got worse.

As I fled to the bathroom and shut the door, I pressed my back against it, slowly sliding to the floor as I pathetically clutched my shirt in hopes of calming myself down.

I was breathing to quickly and spots were swarming infrount of my eyes whenever i opened them.

So I squeezed them shut.

I was hyperventilating.

I was having a panic attack.

Not even during a break, no, right as a lesson started and-


Mic sensei was going to knowtise my absence, but that's fine, as long as I have an-


I don't have an excuse.

This extra stress was not helping my panic attack as I folded myself into a ball and prayed that it would pass soon, weakly attempting to calm myself down to no avail.

Aizawa's pov~

I rubbed my temples in an effort to ease my growing headache. Teaching class 1-a first thing on a wednesday morning was not my cup of tea.

Speeking of tea, Midnight had deposited me a cup the second I had entered the teachers lounge, however it still sat on the table infrount of me as I was too busy thinking to be drinking caffeine right now.


Denki Kaminari had come bursting into the classroom late again, checking his watch before giving a sheepish grin and scurrying to his desk. Honestly that kid was always late.

I continued teaching for a few moments until I heard someone speaking. Clearing to themselves as it was so quiet. I span around and saw Kaminari with his head on his arms muttering to himself,

"Kaminari! Stop muttering to yourself and pay attention!" I shouted, making him jump. It wasn't like where a normal -person would jump if they were startled, no, I honestly looked like he nearly jumped out of his seat. And the shear speed he snapped his neck up at, I'm surprised it didn't nearly break. However I decided not to question him as I had clearly caught him off guard. Turning back to the board I continued to teach the lesson.

"Right so, what draw backs can mind quirks have? Anyone?" Of cause, several people such as Midoriya, Ilda, Todoroki and Momo put their hands up. However, still slightly confused at what happened earlier, I chose someone else, "How about you Kaminari, what you you think the answer is?" I hovered my chalk over the board, ready to write down the correct answer if need be.

I was greeted with silence, so I waited for ten seconds before turning to look at the electric boy. He had his head propped up by his hand and elbow, staring straight at the front of the class, "Kaminari? your answer?" I repeated. Still, he said nothing, giving no indication that he had even heard me. I began walking closer to his desk, still calling he name, but he didn't reply. And it was only when I was right infrount of him that i saw why,

"Kaminari? hello?" I said, waving my hand infrount of his face. Nothing, not even his pupils dilated, and that when it hit me- he was completely zoned out.

After a few more unsuccessful attempts I snapped, "Denki Kaminari!" I shouted, causing him to jump and whip his head to see me. I was about to scold him before I saw the look on his face.

He was terrified.

It only lasted for a second before changing to surprise,

"Urh... yes sir?" he asked, cocking his head slightly,

"Jesus kid, I've been calling your name for the best part of 5 minutes!" I shouted, making him flinch. Now that confused me. As far as I was concerned, Kaminari shouldn't have flinched. I wasn't going to hurt him or anything. I sighed,

"I was going to ask you to answer a question, but now class is over. Go to your next lesson everyone." I growled, sauntering back over to my desk, noting that Kaminari practically sprinted out of the class.

End of flashback~

"Whats up your ass this morning Eraser?" Midnight asked, giving me a smirk as she took the untouched tea.

"Just a student of mine." I mumbled, making her frown,

"Really? What happened, your never normally this concerned over one of those kids." she said, downing the tea in a single swig. I lifted my head and looked her dead in the eyes,

"Where is class 1-a right now?"

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now