29- The game

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Hawks pov~

To say the news of my engagement had been kept a secret was... unfortunately incorrect.

All the pros had been sat down playing truth or dare, and regardless of my duty to look after Denki, Touya assured me that the student would be safe with him, along with reminding me that I had looked after him all day and needed some me time.

It was currently 7pm, and to begin with the game went along innocently, that was until Midnight brought out the bottle of vodka. The new rules were that if someone did a dare, the recipient of said dare would have to drink, and if someone asked a yes or no truth question, we all had to guess which one it would be, if incorrect a shot was pushed our way. All the pros respected each others alcohol rules, for instance, Thirteen wouldn't drink and as I needed to fly I was only given half a shot instead of a full one. I highly doubted a half shot would change anything but oh well.

I had managed to stay out of the clear so far, only receiving a few petty dares, and I was probably one of the only sober people in the room, having guess the yes or no truths of others correctly. 

But of course it couldn't stay that way.

"So Hawkssss" Mirko slightly slurred, spilling a bit of her water as she swung her arm round to point at me, "truth or darrreeee" Midnight giggled slightly and toppled over onto Ectoplasms shoulder, only to have him sit her back up,

"Urrrrmmmmm, you know what, lets switch it up. Truth!" I triumphantly cried, smirking as I gave my poker face to Mirko,

"Whatttssss yourrrrr..." She hesitated and looked at the other pros for help, before Midnight lifted her head and spoke in an overly excited voice,

"Oh! I know! Are you seeing anyone~" She waggled her eyebrows for extra emphasis, 

"Heads up for yes!" Mirko exclaimed,

"No!" Vlad King argued back,

"Agreed! He'd of told us." Ectoplasm lifted his wine glass filled with vodka. Vlad looked at him,

"No I just don't think hes actually able to get anyone"

"Wow thanks mate." I sarcastically spoke, apparently the alcohol was bringing out all their sides. Mic let out a deranged giggle and buried his face in Erasures shoulder, probably due to the fact that he already knew the answer and didn't want to spoil it,

"I don't think so, not that I don't think hes incapable of getting anyone, but because I think we would of heard something about it by now" Thirteen responded, clearly the only one who was thinking about it. Erasure looked over at me, eyes slightly dilated due to the alcohol but he was no where near as hammered as some of the others. I gave a smile and a shrug, so he spoke in his normal monotone voice,

"Yes. Same for Hizashi." 

"Awww no reason Aizawa~?" Miss Joke teased from her corner and he just ignored her, so she turned to me, "Wellllll? Whast da answezzzzzzz." She was by far one of the most drunk for sure. and maybe it was the alcohol in my system but in a confident voice I answered,

"Surprise surprise, I am seeing someone as you put it. I am taken!" I gave a smirk at midnight, and her eyes went wide with excitement, but before she could ask any more questions, my phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that it was Touya,

"Is that your girlfrienddddd~" Miss Joke teased,

"Boyfriend and yes." They all looked a bit surprised at that but I answered the phone before any more questions could be asked,

"Hey! Whats up?" i asked cheerfully,

"No ones died before you ask." Touyas monotone voice replied from the other end,

"And I wasn't implying it, is everything ok?"

"You just implied it."

"I-ur- shut up." I mumbled hearing him burst into laughter,

"Anyway Denki was just asking if he could go out for a walk." Now that caught me off guard,

"Really? Oh ok then, yeah I don't see why not, I would suggest going with him though."

"What you really think I'd let him go alone? And risk you biting my head off if he doesn't come back?" 

"I wouldn't bite your head off that's a bit of an extreme." I chuckled before turning my voice serious again in a split second, "I would just severely scold you and then probably panic. Just make sure Denki doesn't do anything stupid Touya." I heard his hum of approval,

"Alright, bye birdy. love you."

"Yeah yeah, love you too." With that I hung up the phone and saw Erasure peering quizzically at me, probably due to the fact that it involved Denki,

"He was just calling to ask if Denki can go for a walk. I said yes as long as Touya accompanies." he gave a heavy nod, looking satisfied,

"Touyas such a cute name! I bet he's very handsome." Mirko said, and as I was completely unsure on how to react I just became a stuttering mess, putting my reddening face in my hands, handing my head in defeat, 

"This is so cute, the bird is in loveeee~" Midnight joined in with the teasing,

"I'll take you off the wedding list then." I muttered loud enough for everyone to here, and they all exploded into a loud confused mess, besides Erasure and Mic, the latter still being a giggling mess,

"We're engaged! He proposed last year, why do you think I've been wearing this ring non stop!" I whined lifting my right hand up to show off the ring. I could feel an onslaught of questions about to be fired my way so I stood up, putting one hand on the table behind me to stop the instant tipsy head rush that followed, "well I'm off as its already 9! See ya!" I exclaimed as I jumped out the window and fell to the ground below, snapping my wings out just in time as I sailed upwards.

This was one of my favourite parts of flying, being high above the city without a care in the world, watching the nightlights of the buildings and streets below. Seeing all of the late communtors travel like unorganized ants as they made their way home.

While I couldn't do this very often, I savored every second of it.

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now