35- Someone else?

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Tokoyami pov~

"That's your symphony isn't it?" I asked Kaminari, my classmate spinning round with a look of pure fear and confusion written all over his face,

"how did you...?" he stuttered, clearly still out of breath,

"I come here quite often, though I was unaware that others knew of this places presence." I stated, dark shadow coming out a bit to stare.

I came to this delabedated training room quite often, mostly to just think. While I love my classmates, it can get a bit too much sometimes, and sometimes I just need some time to myself so i can think. My dorm room is ok, but the walls aren't exactly soundproof, and Bakugo screaming isn't what I want to hear whilst trying to drift my thoughts; my squad members sometimes knock on the door as well, and of course I wouldn't turn them away, but sometimes I really want to. At least here I can stay as long as I want, and be completely uninterrupted.

If a days been particularly bad, I can cry my eyes out here, and no one would know.

Sometimes I come here and just lie on my back, staring up at nothing, until curfew comes and I have to return. 

I use to go up onto the roof, but that's where Kaminari goes, and we both clearly need our own space, so I went hunting one night when dark shadow kept me up, and I found this place.

I can even train in here, and I do sometimes. Not often though as I don't want others to hear me.

While yes there are cameras in here, most of the lens are broken and for the others I've simply pushed leaves over them. I highly doubt anyone even checks them regardless, otherwise someone would have come to fix them.


Today hadn't been going brilliantly to say the least, so I had left the home room at the end of school, changed, and come straight here. As I snuck through the small hole in the wall off the hallway that lead to all of the other training rooms, I had heard crackling coming from here, so I quickly and quietly sped down the partially collapsed corridor that led to this training room.

I had remained behind the vines that covered the doorway to the training room, and pushed a few out the way so that i could see.

It was Kaminari.

Now that confused me, wasn't he meant to be in Yokohama training with Hawks? That's a two hour journey at most, and hes not suppose to be back until Sunday evening, and its Wednesday evening. 

My electric classmate was just... dancing. 

He was performing a beautiful, slow contemporary and acrobatic piece, clearly improvised but it was beautiful none the less. 

His quirk- the quirk he is suppose to have no control over, was dancing and flowing around him like water, looking soft and tamed instead of dangerous and wild.

It was starting to form shapes, human like forms in the space near Kaminari, who had his eyes closed as he performed yet another flip before landing elegantly on his feet, instantly twirling and continuing on with his dance. 

The forms were almost like illusions, with two that were clearly a male and female adults on one side of Kaminari, and four younger clearly child like forms on his other side. The electricity was still not completely set in the forms, and yet the female adult spoke in a very human voice,

"Don't run too far children!" she called in a soft warm voice like honey. My eyes widened at this, and even dark shadow appeared and cocked her head at the sight. Kaminari could create entire people and illusions with his electricity?! I looked back at my classmate, watching his reaction- he had clearly heard the woman but still didn't open his eyes or stop moving,

"We won't mother!"  one of the male children replied, and the others all giggled. This time Kaminari did open his eyes, but didn't stop moving, only adapting his dancing so that he could look at the whole scene with ease.

I watched in silent amazement as the scene played out, realizing that maybe this was not a make belief illusion, but a memory brought back to life.

"I never want this to end." one of the children whispered, and that's when I was assured that this was a memory, because that boy sounded like a younger version of Kaminari.

Speaking of Kaminari, tears were rolling down his cheeks, and he was moving much faster now, changing up his dancing enough so that the electric forms spluttered and died out, once again flowing like water around him in random ways. 

And he danced.

And danced.

And danced.

End of flashback~

"You've been dancing a while." I said in order to break the slightly awkward silence. My classmate merely nodded, still breathing heavily and looking rather uneasy and tense, "do you want to sit down?" I asked and he nodded, turning on his heels and briskly walking over to the closest ledge to sit on. I shared a look with dark shadow before walking over and sitting next to him, silently offering him some water which he thankfully took.

A few beats of silence washed over us before I asked one of the two burning questions on my mind, "How did you do that? I was unaware you could use your quirk in such a way." This made his hush and give a small smile, though he was still looking down at the floor, 

"There's a lot about my quirk that no one knows." He merely stated, not having any of his trademark happy-go-lucky attitude. So I tried again with my other question,

"Aren't you suppose to be in Yokohama?" With this Kaminari looked at me, slight confusion written on his face before a look of realization dawned on him. He gave a laugh and slapped his hand to his forehead,

"Oh yeah I forgot that where Aizawa sensei said I had gone! Well surprise surprise I have been in Tokyo this entire time, I've literally been here all week since I left." He chuckled a bit before removing his hand and smiling at me, a small twinkle now present in his vision, "some shits happened, and that's why I'm off school at the moment. I'll be back though, don't you worry!" He did a closed eye smile and turned back to look across the room, leaning back on his hands.

"That was a memory you saw, it was the a younger me and the Forster family. I was about 13? 14? Yeah 14. If I'm in the right frame of mind, sometimes my quirk can create illusions of treasured memories." He stated, "that was the last truly happy memory I have with them." He quietly added onto the end. A tear rolled own his cheek, but he quickly wiped it off and turned to look at me,

"So." he sniffed and cocked his head, "what are you here for?"

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now