6- Confusion

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Aizawas pov~

After a moment he put his arm down again and looked at me,

"I'm fine." Even Hawks seemed to spot the lie, but I don't think the girls did. I decided not to press it and narrowed my eyes before sighing,

"Go back to class Kaminari, tell President Mic that I had kept you behind." My student nodded and hesitated, like he was waiting for an order or something, "you can leave."Ii raised an eyebrow and Kaminari swiftly stood up and began walking to the door.

However Hawks clearly wasn't finished. Just as Kaminari was leaving the number 2 pro hero quickly clapped. Kaminari immediately jumped and stopped, turning around with a slight fear in his eyes.

I gave Hawks a weird look as he smile and waved, "See ya later kid!" Kaminari returned the grin and left the room.

Midnight, Mirko and I all immediately looked at him, "What the hell was that for?!" Mirko angrily asked,

"Just testing a theory." Hawks replied, closing his eyes and tilting his head back,

"On what?" she snapped, making him crack on eye open to look at me,

"You know he has phonophobia?" he asked, stunning the three of us,

"Wait what? What's phonophobia?" Midnight skeptically asked, clearly not believing Hawks. I sighed,

"It's an extreme fear of loud and sudden sounds or noises. Oh my god that explains why he jumps so much!" I facepalmed, how had I, his homeroom teacher not noticed but a stupid bird man who had known him for less than 10 minutes spotted it?!

Hawks smirked, placing his arm over his eyes, "How on earth did you not notice? It's quite obvious." I glared at him, not caring whether he could see me or not, "And hes part of the BakuSquad? Isn't there a very loud and destructive kid in there?" I nod,

"Yeah, Katsuki Bakgou. His quirk is explosions and he has serious anger issues," I silently sighed, Bakugo was one of my biggest problem children, number 2. now it looks like I'm going to have to move Kaminari up the ranks... problem children 9, there we go.

"Damn, how the hell did you not notice if he is constantly around a literal banshee?" with that Hawks sat up and looked me dead in the eyes, all hints of his fun going attitude gone,

"Erasure, can i suggest something?"

Kaminari pov~


Why had I been so jumpy?!

Why had I stuttered?!


I slammed my head on my locker door, making everyone in the room go silent and look at me. Kirishima moved closer, but I couldn't see his expression as I kept my head on the door with my eyes closed,

"You good bro?" He asked, concern laced in his voice.

In reply I slammed my head into the locker two more times, still not opening my eyes,

"Errr... Kamibro? Your going to knock yourself out like that." He placed a had on my shoulder and I did my best not to jump, I must have failed though, "Kami? You ok?" I picked my head up and opened my eyes to look at him, not even bothering to pull my mask up.

I was just so tired.

And today had gone terribly.

Clearly seeing me with little to no emotion shocked Kirishima, as his eyes widened in concern and shock, "Kaminari what happened?!" he asked, about to place his other hand on my other shoulder but I moved away, grabbing my goggles and not letting him see my face again.

I could feel the stares of the whole class, but I refused to look at any of them as I pushed my goggles into my hair,

"Shitty day Kiri, really shitty day." I finally said in Greek as I started to leave the room. Not many people know this but I am fluent in English, Japanese and Greek.

I could here Kiri's noise of confusion but I didn't care, nor did I care about the concerned looks on my classmates faces as I left the locker room.

Kirishimas pov~

I was freaking out, what the hell had just happened?! First Kamibro had been slamming his head into his locker quite hard, then he had refused the answer me, then he had looked at me with those... dead eyes, finally when he left the room he had replied to me, but in a different language so I had no clue what he had said.

Clearly I wasn't the only one concerned as Momo was the first to speek up, "What on earth was that? Is Kaminari ok?" She asked looking at me, I bit my lip and shrugged, so Momo looked at everyone else,

"Does anyone know what he said or what language that was?" a motherly tone linking to her normal one. There were several grunts of confusion as by now everyone had stopped what they were doing. That was until Ilda spoke up,

"I do believe that it was Greek, but i do not know what he was saying." The class rep spoke with absolute authority, pushing his glasses up with one hand while the other clutched his helmet. Aizawa sensei had said that we were having hero practice this afternoon, so we were all grabbing our support gear as we had already gotten changed.

"Something must have happened, Kaminari never acts like that." Midoriya timidly spoke, receiving a few nods,

"Not true, he sometimes does, but none of you seem to notice it. Then again he doesn't slam his head into walls." Todoroki said. Oh of cause he would be the one to spot it.

"His eyes... when he looked at me.... they looks so.... dead." I didn't really know how to phrase it, but now several people looked extremely concerned, some even tried to leave until I continued, "Lets just keep an eye on him, it might be nothing. We can ask him about it later, we might even get to know what he said in Greek."

Mina nodded and piped up, "I didn't know he could speek Greek! Thats so cool!" She gushed, making Todoroki sigh,

"He's fluent in Greek Mina, he often talks to himself in it." Seriously, how the hell did this guy know every thing?! "Like Kirishima said, lets just see what happens." We all nodded and left the locker room.

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now