17- Past history

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Aizawa pov~

After I heard from Hawks about how good Kaminari was during training, I honestly didn't believe it.

How could this kid be so good at combat and I haven't noticed?!

I sighed as soon as I sat down in the teachers lounge. After hearing from Hawks and learning about Kaminaris phonophobia and probable anxiety I had decided to look through his file.

There was the stuff I had already covered- name, birthday, quirk, but I flicked straight past that and turned to his relatives page.

The second I turned over that page I gasped and my eyes grew wide.

So much death, too much death.

Direct family-
Father- deceased
Younger sister- deceased
Grandparents from father- deceased
Grandparents from mother- deceased
Mother- alive, not in custody of Kaminari

Adoptive family-
Father- deceased
Mother- deceased
Brother- deceased
Younger brother- missing
Younger sister- deceased.

I closed the page, not wanting to even read any more about Kaminaris family. I had no clue about any of this. I mean I had a slight suspicion that something was up when Nezu told us we didn't need to talk to Kaminaris parents about moving to the dorm, but I never imagined this would be why.

Hizashi came skipping into the room and shouted, "WHATS UP MY LOVE! HOW-WHY DO YOU LOOK SO DISTRESSED?"  He shouted the second he saw my face and scooted over to my side, placing a grounding hand on my shoulder. Hizashi looked at the file on the table infrount of me and frowned, "is there something wrong with Kaminaris file?" He asked gently. I slowly nodded and opened the file back up to the family page, wordlessly my husband read it and his eyes widened as he did so,

"Our little listeners lost a lot of people." He whispered, "just by looking at Kaminari, until very recently I would have never guessed that anything like this could be true with him."

I nodded and continued to read the family page, welcoming the comforting force my husband brought with him.

"Denki Kaminari was born with only his grandparents on his mothers side and his grandfather from his fathers size bring deceased, his younger sister being born two years after Kaminari.

Unfortunately, Kaminaris Electrocution quirk developed at the age of five at a public swimming pool, electrocuting a dozen people and killing four before his quirk was controlled. Two of the deceased were his younger sister Touka and his grandmother Kora.

Kaminaris father soon became an alcoholic to cope with the sudden loss of his mother and daughter, with the occasional violence and abuse being reported towards Kaminari when he was drunk. Three years after the sudden passes, when Kaminari was 8 years old, his father overdosed on alcohol, it has since been deemed an accidental death and not a suicide. Kaminari was the one to find the body and called the ambulance where his father (Ken) was pronounced dead.

Kaminaris mother has never really been in the picture, very rarely seeing her son ever since he turned 3. After the fathers death, she was expected by court to look after her son, but she neglected him. Leaving Kaminari in the family house with only the very occasional check of cash coming through. Neighbours called child protective services after spotting Kaminari wandering the streets alone and after a quick evaluation and court proceedings, Kaminaris mother (Lucy) lost custody of her son and Kaminari was put into the foster system.

He bounced from house to house, no family truly being able to care for him for a year until he was placed into the Forsters care. Within a week the family adopted him a few weeks after he turned ten. Multiple checks were done and Kaminari seemed well cared for and happy.

Unfortunately, when Kaminari was 14, a villain attacked the hotel him and his adoptive family were staying at. His adoptive mother Rebecca, adoptive father David, younger adoptive sister Lily and same aged adoptive brother Isaac all died in the attack with his younger adoptive brother Adam going missing and still to this day unaccounted for.

Shortly after the attack a friend of his adoptive family called Raven took him in, gave him combat and weapons training, and cared for him. It is to be noted that as Raven worked as an underground hero she often had to leave Kaminari for extended periods of time, but there were no reports of abuse or neglect.

However Raven had to move abroad to work in the United Kingdom and opted to leave Kaminari behind, but as he was 16 and had just enrolled into UA high school in the class 1a hero course, principle Nezu made arrangements for Kaminari to live in a small flat nearby straight away. After all of the students moved into dorms recently, Kaminari joined them in the 1a boys dormitories.
As of now, Kaminari has no legal guardians and is fully protected by UA high school."

I silently closed the file and simply stared at the table, trying to process how my student had been through so much and I hadn't noticed,

"Zashi?" I whispered, "you read all of that?" A small nod was all I got in return.

A few beats of silence passed until my husband's finally spoke up,

"What are we going to do now Shota?"

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now