42- Aki? Denks?

774 31 26

Hawks pov~





This couldn't be happening.

I stood frozen for a few seconds, shock rippling through my body. I could already hear faint running footsteps getting closer, but I didn't focus on that. 

It felt like I levitated forward, and suddenly my hands where on Akitas arms- there was blood everywhere and I didn't know what to do

"Keigo!" Touyas panicked shout ran through my skull, yet I didn't turn around, i had to do something to help her. Suddenly I felt hands on my arms, trying to pull me away, trying to take me away from my sister, to let her bleed out, to let her die. 

I couldn't let that happen.

So I sharpened my wings and pulled against those hands, successfully freeing myself from their trap and once again I pressed my hands onto Akita, just trying to stop the bleeding. But it wasn't working, I couldn't stop it.

Tears filled my eyes and I knew I was shaking but I couldn't stop.

Hands once again tried to pull me away,

"No!" I cried, trying to resist, but I was shaking to much that there was little I could do. All of my strength left me as I felt someone pull me away and wrap me in a hug.

I sobbed and sobbed into their chest, I couldn't lose my sister.

There were others here as well, managers and guards, and Jack and Kara were there too,

"Its ok. Its ok Keigo." I heard Touya whisper into my hair. So he was the one who was holding me, and with that revelation I just sobbed harder.


Present time~

Denki was alive, for now.

After we had assured that the bleeding had stopped, Touya moved him to his bed, I was shaking to much to be of any help.

And now I had spent the last hour sitting on the floor near his door, staring at my unconscious student, knees brought up to my chest and my wings wrapped around me in a scarlet cage. 

I kept checking for the rise and fall of his chest, kept looking at his arms to see if they had already bled through the bandages.

He had done this to himself.

I truly let that sink in for the first time.

Tears pricked my eyes and a quickly covered my mouth to muffle a sob- I didn't know where Touya was, but I didn't want him to worry about me right now when I should be the least of his concerns.

Dabi pov~

I could hear Keigo crying.

It was faint, so he was clearly trying to hide it, but I could still hear it.

My heart sunk and I slumped even further into the chair I was sat on. He shouldn't be having to go through this again. Not after Akita.

But one thought kept plaguing my mind despite my concern for the bird- had the kid really tried to kill himself? I myself might not be suicidal but Kei was, so I knew how quickly their minds could turn. The cuts were most certainly deep enough, and he'd had a really shitty day from the sounds of things.

But... he wasn't carefree with his life, he was still cautious. Kei was not cautious in the slightest, he leaps headfirst into danger, not caring if it kills him; he once told me that if he did die from such a thing then it would save him the job of having to do it himself. Kaminari wasn't like that, and if he is suicidal then surely that would have come up on his file? Attempted suicide is always reported, and if his chosen method was cutting until he bleeds to dead then someone would know about it - but Keigo said there was nothing about suicide on his file, there was the one-off mention of self harm, but that was it.

The kid still had hope in his eyes, I could see it. 

I honestly don't think that Kaminari wanted to die.

Aizawa pov~

Why the fuck do I have so many problem children.

Firstly I have Midoriya with his bone breaking habit.

Then I have Bakugo with his temper issues.

Then I have Uraraka with her families money issues.

Then I have Koda with his extreme shyness.

Then I have Mineta and his disgusting perverted nature.

Then I have my own kid Hitoshi with his trauma, depression and insomnia.

And finally there's Todoroki and Kaminari, both of who have rapidly moved up my list within the past week.

Kaminari for obvious reasons - the kids been through a lot and he was ridiculously good at hiding it, despite knowing the signs because of Hitoshi, I honestly couldn't tell that Kaminari was struggling that much. And I'm still kicking myself for not reading his file at the beginning of the year, maybe I would have been able to intervene earlier and actually help him. I seriously hope he's ok, he shouldn't have had to of heard all the shit Monoma was saying, I was so going to punish him tomorrow.

Todoroki had always been quite high on my list due to his obvious family issues - his mothers in a psych ward, he and his siblings barely seem to know each other and he and his father clearly don't get along. I honestly think that Todoroki has been abused at some point in his life solely on the way that he acts, it was probably more his father than his mother but its not my place to pry as whatever the abuse was it doesn't seem to be happening anymore. But the recent discovery of his past eating disorder has sparked new found worry in me, and I still need to talk to him about it.

I sigh and put my pen down, catching the attention of Hizashi from across the table. I had been marking some papers but these problem children never left my mind,

"You ok?" My husband asked, looking concernedly at my face. I leaned back and folded my arms before replying,

"Yeah, I just cant stop thinking about those damn kids."

"I'm guessing mostly Kaminari and Todoroki?" He gave a small smile - I had told him all about what had happened with those two.

I merely nodded and he stood up, coming round to my side of the table and hugging me, 

"It'll be ok, now that you know of the issues we can support them. Don't forget that we both teach them, so I'll keep an eye out too." I smiled and kissed his hand, knowing that he was right. 

We can both help those two now.

Yet I still had a nagging feeling that there was something more to Hawks that he was letting on.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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