15- Caution

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Kaminari pov~

If I thought that people were on me after the yesterday, I was so wrong. People were even more onto me today to the point where I could always feel someones eyes on me.

This made keeping up my act even harder due to my socail anxiety, not that I let it drop completely.

Yes it did faulter a few times, and a one or two people seemed to be able to see through my act, which sent my anxiety through the roof.

5 panic attacks, and it was only 3 in the afternoon.

This has already been a shit day.

However, I had only managed to let people see 1 of my panic attacks, and that was Ectoplasm and Hitoshi during maths. They asked no questions and Ectoplasm made it seem like he had asked us to go get something for him.

For the other 6, I was pretty good at descretely dsappearing from a room, so no one had noticed.

I had been called to the staff room to meet Hawks for hero training. Basically everyone else in my class were having their normal hero training lesson together and those with mentors had the option to either do one on one training or join the class, apparently its always like this. However today all five of us with mentors had to have a solo lesson.

I had already changed earlier so I swiftly made my way to the staff room, schooling my thoughts and features. Hawks was observent, probably even better than me, and I couldn't let him see that anything was wrong.

I finally made it to the door and pushed it open, being better with a surprisingly large amount of teachers, but no Hawks. Midoriya, Bakugou and Hiroshi had already gone off for their lessons, and todoroki wanted to accompany me to the staff room, probably seeing how nervous I was, but he got taken by Endeavour on the way.

"Ahh, Kaminari! Why are here at this fine hour?" Midnight asked as I walked through the door, I gave here a smile and shut the dorr behind me. All of the teachers now looking in my direction, no pressure then.

"Hawks asked me to meet him here for a lesson, but it doesn't seem like he's here yet." I replied, Midnight nodding,

"Yeah, but he'll be back soon, probably must on a quick patrol. Why didn't you stay and wait for him?"

"Sure if that's OK?" To be honest I really didn't want to spend any extra time under the scrutenating eyes of the teachers but its not exactly like Midnight had given me an option.

I sat down on one of the sofas opposite Midnight, doing a quick scan of the room to see who was here, anything to make this a little less awkward,

"So in going to assume that Mirko is taking 1a this afternoon?" I asked, breaking the silence,

"Yup, she waited to give them some combat training."

I chuckled, "their going to be a bit sore later then aren't they. Though Bakugou will provably love the excuse to beat someone up." This made a couple of the pros and teachers laugh,

"Ahh, I really want to know how much you know about combat Kaminari! Let me join your lesson!!" Midnight whined, making me raise an eyebrow and give a sarcastic grin,

"But that's the fun of it! Leaving you all to guess my skills."

"We'll find out soon enough though." Ectoplasm chimed in, his face quickly turned to one of concern though and I knew immediately what he was going to ask, "you better than earlier?"

I took in a deep breath and moved one hard to the back of my neck subconsciously, "err, yeah. Thanks by the way." I gave him a smile and he merely nodded.

However Thirteen butted in, clearly not understanding,
"Hummmmmm? What happened earlier?" They asked. I moved my hand back to my lap and stared at the floor refusing to answer. Luckily, or unluckily, someone else answered for me.

"Panic attack. Sorry I'm late." A voice appeared right behind me so I screetched and jumped, almost tripping over the table in my attempt at turning around and getting as far away as possible. I let out a big breath as I saw that it was Hawks and gave him a look,

"Jesus Christ Hawks you gave me a heart attack there!" I said after a moment of getting my breath back, trying hard to not let my voice waver or stutter.

Hawks merely gave a malicious grin, "jumpy much? And I thought you had sonic ears kid." He joking tutted and walked over to me, wrapping a wing around my shoulder. I quickly looked at it the second it touched me, but quickly banished any fear from my face,

"I was kinda talking to others Hawks. But anyway, what took you so long?" I steered the conversation away, instantly regretting it as soon as I saw Hawks with a guilty expression,

"Got held up due to a fan begging me for a picture, she ended up taking like 30 of them." He huffed, "but I'm here now, and let's get on with your training but don't you dare hold back."

I nodded, my mind split in two.

I needed to hide how good I was.

But what if that angers him?

What if he leaves me?

I mean he should.

But what if he hurts me?

No he won't.

I need to do what he said.

But should I?

I hadn't realised that I was still nodding until Hawks bopped me on the head. I quickly ducked my head and flinched, luckily not to much, but it was still noticeable. I quietly cursed myself.
"You've really got to stop zoning out kid." Hawks spoke with concern, but I ignored it.

Why would he even care.

"Sorry! It happens a lot!" I quickly gave a smile, hoping that we could just leave and be done with it.

"I've realised, come on. Let go." With that Hawks suddenly picked me up and jumped out of the window.

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now