7- Suspicion

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Kaminari pov~

As I had given up trying to appear normal in the locker room, I decided to at least give it a bit of effort during the training exercise, I did not want to get ambushed later by the class.

Currently I was standing with the BakuSquad waiting for Aizawa sensei to give the instructions. However Kami, Mina and Sero were constantly throwing worried glances my way, and they weren't the only ones- practically the whole class was. I didn't show that I had noticed, but it was beginning to annoy me. Yet I kept my face blank and my arms folded.

"All right you noisy kid's, this is how it's gonna go." Aizawa sensei suddenly shouted, making me jump and whip my head around to the platform him and Hawks were standing on, "You are going to fight squad vs squad in a building-like layout covered in cameras so we can see everyrhing that happens. 5 minute's to discuss tactics."
With that he turned around to talk to Hawks, the no.2 pro hero occasionally looking out at the different squads.

"Finally! I get to face Deku!" Bakugou nearly shouted, "Dont get in my way extras! That nerd is MINE!" He shouted the word to emphasise his point.

~time skip~

"GOOO!!" President mics voice bommed out of the speakers littered though out the course.
All the squads had been placed in different areas, two being labeled as "villains" and the other two "hero's" and like Aizawa sensei had said, it was last squad standing to win.

The BakuSquad immediately charged forward, spreading out into an arrow formation with Bakugou at the front, Kirishima and Mina behind and me and Sero bringing up the rear. They all knew I had good hearing so the had placed me on the left side where all of the corridors were, but they didn't know how good my hearing was. They didn't know that I could hear everything anyone said on the opposite end of a room even if they were whispering. That I could hear every footstep Hagakure took, even when she was being stealthy and quiet.

Not before long I heard something, "Bakugou." I said, making the whole squad stop. They all looked at me as I pricked my ears and pulled my hair out of the way, putting my slightly pointy ears on display. My elven ears were part of the reason my hearing was so good.
I kept my face forward, leaving one ear in the direction of the noise.
There it was again and- oh fuck. That was the sound of Jirous earphone jacks going into a wall. I quickly signed to the rest of the group.

Its Jirou, she has her earphone jacks in the wall, try not to move.

The others nodded, but it seemed like Bakugou had a plan.

Where is she?

He signed

Two hundred paces away to my left and your right. You gonna blow?

He mearly smirked and motioned for us to cover our ears, which I was more than happy to do.

Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and covered my ears as hard as I could, telling myself not to freak out as I knew it was coming. That still didn't stop me from flinching and slightly bending over the second Bakugou released the blast, Mina gave me a look but I gave her a quick thumbs up before following the others into battle.

It seemed that we were facing Jirou, Shoji, Hagakure, Tokoyami and Ojiro. The well named EmoSquad, even though two of their members weren't emos, three of them were so the name had stuck.
I immediately went after Hagakure, being the only one who actually knew where she was.
Suddenly she threw a punch at me from behind and from pure instinct I dodged, grabbed her fist, flung her over my head and pinned her down, one knee on her back, pulling her arm back with my hands. A classical position that would have won me a sparing match, a simple move that I executed in a split second that severely started the invisible girl, due to her gasp of surprise. However I was in a battle, she wasn't going to back down from this and I wasn't supposed to show how good I actually am at combat.

God damn it!

I swiftly sent a jolt of electricity through Hagakures arm, knocking her out in a heart beat. From there I did a backflip to avoid getting pummeled by Dark Shadow and servayed the situation.
Hagakure and Ojiro had both been taken out, with Shoji looking a little worse for wear. Everyone in my squad were fine.

Jirou, as if sensing the situation, yelled at her remaining team mates, "Headphones!"
The other two quickly pulled out noise cancellers they had been wearing around their neck. Before we could do anything, Jirou plugged her earphones into the jacks on her legs, pulsing out loud sound waves.

I immediately covered my ears and squeezed my eyes shut, already bowing over and stumbling. Having wicked good hearing and phonophobia were making this situation ten times worse for me then it was for anyone else on my team, they were mearly covering their ears and looking uncomfortable, whilst I felt like my head was going to explode. My legs gave way as I came crashing onto my knees, bowing over so far to the point where my head was nearly touching the floor.
I could faintly hear the BakuSquad calling out my name in panic and Bakugou letting off a big explosion but that was the least of my worries.

Breathing was hard.

My chest felt tight.

And panic was filling every knok and cranny of my being.

Too Loud.

It was too loud.

Just make it stop.

Please make it stop.


Spots began to fly in my vision as I was hyperventilating, and I could vaguely feel someone's arms around my  back.

"Denki....Denki.... Denki!" It was Kirishima, but right now I couldn't do anything other that stay crouched on the floor, slowly crumbling due to the fear and pain of the loud noise.

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