5- Teachers lounge

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Hawks pov~

I had about two hours to kill so I had decided to hang out in the teachers lounge, some other pros were bound to be in there anyway.

Half an hour went by with no action, mostly me just listening in to Midnight and Mirkos daily dose of gossip, apparently Erasure was quite concerned about a student and had gone on a rampage looking for them. He may not know it, but he acts just like a dad to those kids. Of cause he'll never admit, I was so going to have to tease him about it when he returned.

As if on queue, Erasure practically kicked down the door, letting go of a student he had presumably been dragging before closing the door behind them. The kid looked a bit bedraggled, probably the work of Erasure, so I gave him a warm smile, "Ah, so this is the student you went on a rampage for. I'm Hawks, nice to meet you kid." I chuckled at Erasure, the teacher bristling but not saying anything.

The student smiled and slightly nodded, rustling his golden hair as he did so, it had a black lightning bolt on one side so if I were to hazard a guess I'd say his quirk had something to do with electricity.

"I'm Denki Kaminari." he replied, I gave a gesture for him to continue and he cocked his head, "I'm in class 1-a so Aizawa sensei is my teacher, I'm a member of the BakuSquad and my quirk is electrification." So I had been right, but I still blinked in surprise and the first two pieces of knowledge, this student was clearly powerful.

"Not bad kid, how-" I started, only to be cut off be Erasure,

"I didn't bring him here for you to play with." he snapped, sitting down on the available sofa and motioning to Kaminari to do the same. However I noticed that the kids eyes quickly darted around the room before he complied. "Do you want a drink? Cause I'm getting a coffee." Erasure continued while I gave a small sigh, what was it with him and coffee? Kaminari shook his head and snapped it over to Midnight the second she moved to get Erasures coffee. His teacher obviously didn't notice as he was also looking at midnight before returning his gaze to the electric boy.

And Kaminari clearly didn't like being stared at.

I could tell immediately that he had tensed and his face was wavering with uncertainty before Erasure spoke,

"Kaminari, where were you earlier?"

The kid froze, his face turning into one of shock and fear, but it was gone in an instant, clearly he had changed his expression,

"By earlier do you mean in class or before school or...?" he slowly listed, clenching his fingers rather tightly to the point where it would hurt, but not even a flicker of pain crossed his eyes. Erasure narrowed his eyes,

"You are meant to be in President Mics class right now, it started 30 minutes ago and apparently you never showed up."


Any other adult would have assumed that the kid was just skipping class, but clearly Erasure thought there was something else and so did I.

Once again the student froze, his face going blank for a few seconds until Midnight placed Erasures coffee on the table infrount of him. Suddenly he practically learched out of his skin as he jumped, way to much for a normal person to have been startled. Midnight gave him a smile and he quickly returned his gaze to Erasure,

"Oh, yeah... that." He stuttered, lowering his head slightly.

He was panicking, and it was getting to the point where he was practically breaking his fingers from clenching them so hard. Erasure sighed and spoke a little more gentle,

"There are two reasons why I am concerned. One-" he held up a finger and straight away Kaminari locked his eyes onto it, "we'll get to later, and two-" he held up a second finger, but Kaminari still didn't look away from Erasures raised hand, "is this. Kaminari I know English is your favourite subject, and its your best. Heck, your top of the class there, so why would you miss it? Plus I know you hate skipping school, even if your house was burning down you would arrive." The kid gave a small smile before speeking,

"Yep thats true. Earlier I wasn't feeling to great, mostly light-headed, so I went to the recovery unit to make sure that I wouldn't randomly collapse during my lesson." He chuckled, "Recovery girl said that I was running the beginning of a fever but she healed me and I was just heading back to class before you nearly ran me over." He sarcastically added, making Erasure cringe,

"Yeah well I didn't realize you were so damn light, but you feel fine now right?"

"Yep!" He smiled, the type that made everyone's day. Then he hesitated, "was there something else or...?" Kaminari shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck as he did so. Erasure sighed,

"Yes, well first off, do you know how late you were this morning? I saw that you check your watch whenever you come into lesson." Interesting question, either the kid was extremely late or something was up. Even Midnight and Mirko quietened down and did there best to not look like they were ear-wigging, but I could tell that Kaminari noticed immediately. It clearly bothered him, but this kid was a very good actor,

"I was exactly 6 minutes and 32 seconds late sir, I'm sorry." he gave a sheepish grin and returned his hand to his lap, once again clenching his fingers quite hard. Erasure gave both a confused and concerned expression,

"Why- Kaminari why so specific? And how the hell do you remember that?" Erasure spoke in a high pitched voice, clearly shocked, just as Midnight and Mirko seemed to be. The electric boy just shrugged,

"I always like things to be specific, and as for the remembering part, for some reason I can just remember very random things... often not helpful things which is annoying for class." He partially glared at the floor, going into thought. There was silence for a few seconds and the kid stayed stock still, not moving an inch. Erasure looked over at me for a second before poking his student. once again the kid jumped, but this time he also flinched away from Aizawas hand. However he quickly recovered and rubbed his neck again, giving a large smile and closing his eyes,

"Ah sorry! Zoned out a bit there!"

"I noticed. Kaminari are you ok?" Honestly if Erasure hadn't asked, I would have.

Kaminari jolted, opening his eyes wide as his arm also froze midair, his mouth slightly parted.

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now