11- Shinsou

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Hawks pov~

Kaminari found his way back pretty quickly, a combination of listening, muscle memory and something else it seemed. The something else being when he would sometimes place his hand or his fingertips on a wall, he would tell us not to touch said wall and a few seconds later would seemingly know where to go. If I were to hazard a guess I would say he used his quirk to locate electrical power lines and from there mapped out where the exits or walk able corridors were.

Even though he clearly didn't know where he was, his methods were quicker than if someone was using a map. Even Erasure seemed surprised by the speed and methods used by Kaminari. He only took a wrong turning once, but quickly backtracked to the right path.

When we arrived, all of the students had woken up and recovery girl was leaving, "Perfect timing then." Midnight mumbled, making us all nod. The second we opened the door, all heads snapped in our direction, with the three of the BakuSquad members practically running Kaminari over with hugs. Todoroki merely stepped out of the way and went to check on his own squad members, being a joint squad leader with Midoriya he cared a lot for those he was in charge of. 

Kaminari had finally managed to peel himself out of his friends arms and was reassuring them that he was all fine, however one of the members wasn't having it.

Bakugou sauntered over and slammed his hands down on a desk infrount of him, making Kaminari jump and turn around as silence washed over the room, 

"Fine now are you?" he growled at my pupil who nodded, anyone else would say that he was calm, but to my trained eye, i could tell he was terrified, "If thats so, then what was your little freek out earlier then, huh?" Kaminari clenched his teeth together and formed fists with his hands, still not speeking, "You cost us the match." the Pomeranian seethed, making Kirishima step in, 

"Now thats not fair Bakugou, its not his fault." Mina nodded in agreement and Sero came to stand next to Kaminari,

"It is his fault!" Bakugou slammed his hands on the table again, making the electric boy flinch and start breathing quicker,

"I'm sorry." he whispered, but this wasn't enough for Bakugou,

"Sorry doesn't cut it! Your little freak out-"

"I didn't know that was going to happen!" Kaminari suddenly cried, looking his squad leader straight in the face,

"whether you did or didn't, you've clearly had those before. you could have told us. so we could have helped you and been prepared instead of running around like headless chickens!" Bakugou shouted, he had a good heart, he was just speeking it in a harsh way.

Kaminari pov~

Bakugous shouting reminded me too much of him, which terrified me. while i knew my friend meant the best, he had an odd way of showing it,

"All right thats enough." A tired voice spoke from behind Bakugou, making him turn,

"Like fuck its no-" he got cut off and his body lost all tension. He started walking back to his desk and sat down, face void of emotion with his eyes clouded over,

"Dear jesus he is insufferable at times." I turned back to the voice, being greeted with purple hair, pale skin and tired eyes- it was Shinsou. While he was in class 1a, the reason he hadn't been part of the battle was because he didn't have a squad yet. The insomniac had been hanging out mostly with my squad but nothing has been made official yet. 

I gave him a small smile, "thanks" I mouthed, making him nod before releasing his hold on Bakugou who immediately stood back up, 

"YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He screeched, only to be silenced with a glare from Aizawa sensei,

"Take your seats everyone, we will now be watching the replay of the training exercise, minus all of the waiting and blank screens." He spoke as he crawled into his sleeping bag and clicked a button on his computer. We all quickly sat down, having watched many of these.

Someone had basically made a mini movie, the whole thing being replayed four times, each one focusing on a different squad, and unfortunately that meant that my anxiety attack was shown three times. 

Bakugou even gave me a muffled apology when he saw that I took out four of the DekuSquad members by myself, though he still refused to say it loudly. 

Pretty much the whole class was shocked at what had happened to me, and all eyes were on the replayed me as the screen was now showing how our squad did. When it came time for my anxiety attack I simply put my forehead on the edge of the desk looking at my lap for a second before closing my eyes, this was not fun,

"You ok kid?" I heard Hawks whisper from my right, he had clearly moved closer to me and I hadn't noticed, some hero I am,

"Oh yeah yeah you know, just watching some of my worse moments on screen infrount of the very people I kept all this from. My mask is pretty much useless now isn't it? Considering that today has gone extremely shitty, minus the part where you asked me to be your pupil. So yeah, all in all I'm doing just great." I sarcastically said in Greek lifting my head up and glaring at the screen, now that the replay was over. Hawks nodded slowly and made a clicking noise with his mouth,

"I have no idea what you just said but urm... I'll take it as an... 'I'm contemplating the meaning of life'." I turned round to him, raising an eyebrow and sighing,

"Kaminari?" A timid voice spoke, making me turn my head, it was Jirou, "I'm- I'm so sorry!! I didnt mean for that to happen!" She burst into tears,  I was about to go over and comfort her, but Hawks grabbed my arm, stopping me. Aizawa sensei sighed and motioned for midnight to take her out of the class, which she did and I returned to my seat.

Hawks took his hand off my arm and walked to the frount of the class,

"Well kids! I am pleased to say that I have chosen a pupil to mentor!" Immediately everyone perked up, all wanting to be chosen, with Todoroki sinking deep into his seat, doing his best to hide a smirk.

"Who have your chosen Hawks?" Midoriya asked, keen to see who would be the fifth student to have a personal mentor as Shinsou already had Aizawa sensei. The pro hero smiled,

"Well, they already know who they are, but to spare them the obvious embarrassment of having me as a mentor, oh the horror, I shall just tell you all." He joked, making me cringe and give him a 'really?' face, "I have chosen Denki Kaminari to be my pupil." All heads whipped over to me as gasps of surprise and joy were heard from my classmates,

"Ah jesus, this is going to be fun later." I sighed in Greek as I took in all their faces,

"Kamibro!! yes! you so deserve th-" Kiri started, only for Aizawa sensei to cut his off,

"All right all right! ask him about it later! You've all got more hero studies now so shut it." With that everyone settled down as our homeroom teacher began the lesson and Hawks walked over to the door, standing next to it, clearly deciding to observe the lesson instead of leave,

"Hey Kaminari." I turned to my right, Shinsou was whispering to me as we sat right next to each other, "Well done, you're gonna do great." I blushed and smiled, satisfying him enough as we both turned back to the fount, getting our notebooks out to learn.

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