33- Spilling the secrets

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Kaminari pov~

Apparently all it took for the LOV to adopt me was exactly what happened last night.

I have somehow managed to get another family...?

And they're all villains.


Yeah because that totally sounds good for a hero in training.

Thank fuck I was staying with Keigo though, if it had been anyone else they probably would have had a fit.

Then beat me.

Then kicked me out.

Apparently after my little freak out yesterday I had managed to pass out, and so Dabi thought it would be best to ask Kirogiri to portal us back to Keigos place.

I still refuse to call it home.

My families home only ended in pain.

The Forsters home never lasted for long enough.

The UA dorms were not permanent.

This house wouldn't be any different, I'd just end up leaving it at some point, and at this point I kinda hoped that this would be the last place I live in, I didn't want to continue this endless cycle of pain.

Whenever I get a chance at new hope, something always brings it down almost immediately.

And if it doesn't, then the happiness drags out, but always ends in pain eventually.

I of all people should know that by now.

Dabi pov~

I leaned over the bar in the LOV hideout and groaned,

"That kids mentally fucked up." Shiggy stated rather than asked from his position on a stool at the opposite end of the same bar,

"He's fun! I don't know what I did though... Did I upset him?" Toga asked, she was sitting on a stool to my left, so in between Shiggy and I. However she had her head on the bar, looked quite dejected. I reached over and patted her on the hair, choosing to ignore the glare she sent my way,

"Nah you didn't. He's just got quite a shitty childhood and you probably just triggered something." I merely replied, not wanting to go into too much detail without Keigos or Kaminaris permission.

"Hes in a top hero school! And yet he's really stupid. No he's not! Yes he is. What could be wrong with his life? Too much apparently." Twice stated whilst battling with his other self, even though I knew he didn't mean any harm I still shot him a warning glare, one which Shiggy managed to spot,

"You can't say all of this and not tell us whats happened to him before. come on Dabi, give us the kids backstory." His tone of voice gave me no room to argue and I mentally cursed myself, promising to apologize to my fiancee and the said kid when I got back. I took a long pause before speaking, unsure of how to put this lightly, when Keigo told me about Kaminari I was honestly shocked that the kid had been through so much shit and still chosen to become a hero.

"he... his life was perfectly normal and happy for the first five years of his life. his father, his fathers mother, little sister and mother all lived with him, however his mother left when he was three and from what ive heard in the sparse few times shes contacted him since its never ended well. when kaminari turned five his quirk developed, and its actually a lot more powerful than he lets on, the reason he down played his abilities is because his family went to a swimming pool and his quirk developed whilst he was swimming." i paused to grab a swig of water, the burns on my throat often made it hard to talk for ectreme lengths of time, plus this was a really bad part of the kids backstory, "kaminari accidently electrocuted a dozen people and killed four others, including his grandmother and little sister. his father was unharmed but he severly changed once he realised what kaminari had done. hense he became and alcoholic to cope with his greif and became extremely abusive towards kaminari, nearly killing his own son more than once."

All the present villains sucked in a breath; we all hated abuse, because we had all received it in some way shape or form. Toga had the emotional abuse from her parents, Twice had the physical abuse from his own clones, Shiggy had the physical abuse from his father and I had the emotional and physical abuse from that flaming trashbag of a father. 

"When Kaminari was eight, his father overdosed on alcohol and when Kaminari called the ambulance they pronounced him dead as a doornail. The kid was suppose to get looked after by his mother after that, but all she did was send him money and nothing else, so the court removed him from her custody for good and he floated between various shitty foster homes until he turned ten. From there he was adopted by an underground hero family called the Forsters, with pro hero parents and three kids, two younger and one the same age. Things were good until Kaminari turned fourteen, when a villain attacked the place they were staying at and this is where it gets interesting- while yes the villain did damage the building, when a hero showed up it was actually them who collapsed the building and counted the inhabitants as collateral damage." 

Spinner snorted at this comment and muttered quietly to himself, tightening his hands on the side of the bar.

"They all died with the younger brother going missing and Kaminari being put in the care of a family friend called Raven. Shes an underground pro who worked with the Forster parents hence why she took him in. She gave him combat training and helped him with his skills, which is probably why hes so acrobatic. Raven did have to leave the kid for extended periods though due to her job and after only a year she had to leave him permanently as her and her underground hero wife were being moved to England for a few years. Kaminari went into the care of the school  and they gave him an apartment but did not have anyone care for him until ErasureHead read the kids file and asked Hawks to foster him. on top of that, Kaminari has ADHD and a crap ton of mental health disorders- basically the list is too long already and there's definitely more issues that need a diagnosis."

The room was quiet for a long time after that, and no one really moved for a good solid ten minutes, the only noise being from the fucked up air vents that run through the hide out.

Shiggy sighed and crossed his arms, leaning back as he did so, before talking, "like I said- that kids mentally fucked up." he paused and despite his bluntness, I could tell that all the villains were having a similar thought process right now even if none of them sai-

"We must protect him, or at least try help him right guys?" Toga exclaimed from her seat, popping her head back up and managing a weak smile.

And we all nodded, vowing to protect the electric boy.

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