40- The past party

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Hawks pov~

"Nah come on mate! You've got to stay for the fireworks!" Jack called, throwing one of his arms over my shoulder and laughing.

It was the commissions new years party, I was 15. Jack, or Reaper as his hero name was, had joined the commissions program last year, when he was 13, and while he may be a year younger than me he is most certainly just as strong. His quirk was called shadow portal, he could basically create standing portals, he drew the power from the shadows so his quirk was a lot more powerful in dark places and at night. He was also British, and after Touya left, he went back to England and decided to debut there.

He was on my personal team, the team we were all going to debut as together.

There was also Touya, or Pheonix.

And Kara, or tight rope, her quirk allowed her to create glowing gold ropes out of her hands and when they came into contact with someone, that persons quirk would be nullified. She was Russian, and a year after Akitas death she returned back there and debuted.

There were a few more, but by now they either left, died or the commission kept them to become assassins or spies, not heroes.

Akita was four years older, and she was one of the commissions best assassins. The "White angel" as she was nicknamed. 

She was also my sister.

She tried to protect me as best as she could from our father, and then she did all she could to keep the commissions dirty mitts off me .

Akita had beautiful white feathered wings, powerful and majestic. She could sharpen them and pluck them off to use as daggers, but unlike me she could not control each one nor sense through each one. She had the same eyes as me, the same markings too, but she had white hair not golden.

She was the only one who could keep up with me in the air.

Yet I never realised how much Akita was hurting.

She seemed so carefree.

And I guess a large part of me never wanted the possibility of her being anything else is what kept me believing she was fine.

I smiled and ruffled his brown messy hair, making him whine in protest. Touya looked over at us and I could have sworn I saw a ghost of a smirk on his lips, he was becoming so distant lately, and the commission wouldn't let me talk to him,

"You suit that hair style." Tigress, another one of my team mates said, lifting her glass, the stripes on her face darker in this light against her glowing cat eyes.

"Oh fuck off," Jack shot right back, "don't be mean." He pouted, crossing his arms. I giggled and began to walk away before he called me back.

"Hey where you going?! Keigo?" 

I couldn't shake this nagging feeling that something was wrong, and I hadn't seen Akita yet. 

It had been a few hours since the celebration began, she didn't have any missions tonight either, so she should already be here,

"I'm just going to ask where Aki is." I replied, shrugging off my friends hand as I walked over to the commission guard stood by the door. He glared at me from his defensive stance, his large muscular frame blocking the door,

"Do you know where Akita Takami is? The white angel?" I gave my sweetest smile and heard him sigh,

"Don't know, don't care. You trainees are not suppose to use each others actual names, tell that to your team mate over there before I make him remember the rules." The guard cracked his knuckles and I felt my heart speed up,

"Of cause, he didn't mean it really! Can I just go and fi-"

"No." The mans voice thundered across the room, making a few nearby turn and look. You never wanted to piss off a guard, they would take any chance they could to beat you,

"The white angel is suppose to be here. I just want to go and see where she is." I spoke much slower, my fear increasing rapidly.

"I said no." I can tell he's getting pissed, but the worry for my sister is growing by the second,

"I just ne-" a sharp noise rings out in my ears and suddenly I'm on the floor, my vision blurs for a second and my left cheek throbs painfully. I look up and see the guard standing above me.

He hit me.

With force.

"I said no. You are staying in this fucking room like the others, the White Angel has no obligation to be here so I will not let you leave to find her. Am. I. Clear? Or do you need some more persuading?" His voice is loud and deadly, by now most of the room has stopped to see what's going on. 

I pause for a few seconds, gathering my consciousness, before replying,

"I understand sir, apologies for causing trouble." The guard snorts and returns to his post, I shakily get back onto my feet, my hands trembling.

I turn and immediately get engulfed by Jacks hug, I look over his shoulder at Touya, only to find that he's refusing to meet my eyes, but his mood has definitely darkened. I let Jack pull me into a corner and allow him to fuss over my face, not really comprehending what was happening.

This always happens- I just shut down and only turn back on when the danger is gone. Call it a trauma response if you want, but its something that has kept me safe.

"Distract the guard, I need to find Aki." I hear myself say, looking dead in my friends eyes. Without hearing his reply I stand up and get into position, just like with training. I'm stood a good few meters away; all Reaper needs to do is call the guards name, or divert his attention for a second, and I'll be able to slip past him.

And that is exactly as it plays out.

The two of us have done this trick enough times to have perfected it and within minutes I'm at Akis dorm door. I quietly knock, knows shell be able to hear me, but after a beat of silence, I use some of my sharpened feathers to pick the lock and quietly go inside.

"Aki?" I tentatively call out, my wings closing around me at the tense atmosphere of the room.

Something is wrong.

I can feel it.

I turn to look at the bathroom, but the doors been pulled too.

I look down and my heart stops.

There is blood leaking from under the door.

I walk up to the bathroom and push it open, but nothing could have prepared me for what I would see next.

I scream.

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