~Turning 4~ (And Some Revelations) Unedited

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FYI this entire chapter is basically me being low-key done with the lack of plot. The next major plot points include:

Age 5 and a bit: <redacted> happens
(Not Gaara getting the whole love face scar event, if you were wondering)

Age 7/8: Uchiha massacre occurs in canon


FEAR THE CANON *le gasp* what has your author got planned?!!!

Answer: nothing. I'm winging this whole thing. It's honestly closer to 'so how much have I screwed everything up?' Than 'what plot have I spent months imagining and making obscure facts and detailed timelines about'.

Warning: I wrote the first.. 3/4 or so while running a 38+C  fever but I decided to roll with it because I can.
Also, I wanted to see where it would lead. The answer? I honestly don't know.

Now, onto the actual story!

//author note//
Inner Echo/Tailed Beasts
Time skips/Time
{} System
[] Speaking to System
For Other languages...
///Nyx POV///
Ah, yes turning four. The age that sounds like death.

Dude what the hekk

It's not incorrect, as well as a fascinating tidbit.

You sure you're ok?

Sorry. It's just that times seems to fly by so fast. And soon, well, our 'parents' have decided that if Sakura really does want to be a ninja then they're going back to Konoha, and even if she doesn't we have to go back before I'm about seven to attempt to prevent the whole Uchiha massacre...

It's a little stressful to be honest. The reminder that in three to four years the entire clan may be dead is a little sobering in thought.

Dude, again, why the melancholy? You're weirder than usual. And that's saying a lot.

I guess that it's finally caught up to me. Where I am, who I'm interesting with. It's all REAL. And that means they can die. They can feel. They can be sad, be happy. They all exist.

And everything I do to stray from the canonical timeline directly effects their lives.

Wow, you've finally realised that? I thought it sorta clicked when you met Neji or Gaara or, oh Idk, YOUR TWIN SAKURA FRIKING HARUNO???

It just...back then it was as though I was looking at them through a screen. Through *coughs Rose coughs* tinted glasses. And it's simply struck me that I was wrong to do so.

So, this mean your morals are back in full?

I'm having an enlightening moment, not trying to get myself killed for standing up to the military dictatorship that is the status quo. I have a will to live, believe it or not.

Naw, do ya?

Yes. I just said I did.

You kinda still suck at this.

Ah, sarcasm.

I honestly can't with you rn, I got my own problems.

Like what?

For one, preventing your memory from degrading and resulting in you retaining your memories but having all the logic and understanding of a FOUR YEAR OLD.

It's a hard job, ok?


Look, your brain is trying to reason that you are your physical age. I'd prefer for you NOT to lose your brain power and reasoning. I mean, canons screwed but you may just screw over the world if you end up the most knowledgeable person to ever have THE BRAIN OF A FOUR YEAR OLD. It would spell the end of this planet.

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