I have crippling...(undited)

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Not depression, health conditions.
//author note//
///POV change///
Inner aka Echo
Time skips

///Nyx (Momo) POV///

It has been a month since we have gotten home. And Sakura just does not stop crying.

I swear to kami she is either doing it to annoy me or it is homage to pre-shippuden Sakura.
This has got to be a curse. What on Earth have I done to deserve this... other than wish for op powers... ok maybe that but still, even being a branch Hyuuga would probably be better. At least then I would not have obnoxiously pink hair and could chill with Neji.

So far that was actually not the worst part of this... breastfeeding was irritatingly awkward. Also it tasted horrible. Now I drink cow milk instead, and thank kami (or maybe Jashin) for that.

I say maybe Jashin because I am considering joining the cult. Not for the destruction per say, though it could work out in my favour, but more for the perks.

I sighed. I'm on the 97th tenketsu point which is 26.870% of them to three decimal points. I should be way ahead but they keep getting harder and it is difficult to concentrate with a certain child screaming all day long. She is still my sister but still.... people do tend to get annoyed by their siblings.

You could always just knock out the scream for a while... Vulcan nerve pinch her!!!

I sighed. Echo again. How she knows what that is I do not understand, I did not watch Star Trek although I did enjoy Star Wars. I know what a Vulcan nerve pinch is but I have no wish too.... scratch that. 'Echo, you are a genius.' I told her.

I am but a figment of your psyche, my intelligence is yours.

I smiled faintly. I rolled over to Sakura and knocked her out before a parent entered the room and positioned her so it looked like she was sleeping before rolling away, all the while humming the Mission Impossible theme.

I then practiced meditating and carried opening my tenketsu points.

Three minutes later....

Aaaand the parents are back. With more milk!!!!

I happily drank it. Holy calcium it tasted good. This will suffice until I can digest foods such as dango (godly) and mochi (also godly) both of which I was *slightly* addicted too. Like my coffee (or pure caffeine if I could get my hands on it) which allowed me to pull off a week without sleep.

I giggled quietly as my parents cooed at how cute Sakura was 'asleep' before taking her out of the child prison (cot) the two of us had been placed in. I listened intently to what they were saying while looking disinterested in them and carried on drinking. My LG's (Legal Guardians) had come to accept my lack of screaming and tears (though I would yell if I needed something) and were pretty happy but still handled me as though I was glass because ✨health complications✨ and stuff. I barely felt them at this point , though. My parents were told to expect me not to live past 3 or 4 (although they didn't expect me to survive the coma) and my parents basically coddled me as they wanted to make my life as nice as possible as well as Sakura's. I found it pretty sweet actually.

I carried on listening, understanding most of what they were saying as I was already well versed in Japanese due to a short internship in Tokyo while I was studying technology.

The next day

///Dakota POV///
I SEE IT! The light at the end of the tunnel! Aaaand I was born. Ahahahaaaaa I bet Nyx and Angelo are still stuck in the stomachs. I am freeeeeee!

I grinned.


I looked up at my new parents. Or more accurately my dying mother and non existsnd father. And Chiyo. FREAKING CHIYO. I swear I will get her to teach me poisons—

"What would you like to name him?" Chiyo asked my mother.
I straight up deadpanned her. Boy I'm choosing my own name or at least I will.
She looked at my silent, staring form.

"Kiyoshi," she said.

I'm pretty sure that means soundless one... which I will be until I get Chiyo to look after me. I need a kickass grandma.

I watched as my mother kissed me then died. I feel pretty bad but I'm not too attached. I stared at chiyo for a second before smiling at her, giggling. BE THE CUTE CHILD. MAKE HER ADOPT YOU~ my brain going overdrive.

I gave her the puppy dog eyes. She sighed and picked me up. I squealed and hugged her. YOU WILL LOVE ME.

So yes, after nine months in a womb I am still 'sane'.
Ok that's debatable.

She looked at me. I smiled and clapped my hands in glee. I WILL WIN YOU OVER AND BECOME A POISON USING GOD.

She looked at me, her eyes softening. AHAHAHAHA SHE SHALL SOON LOVE ME.

//yes, he is a little crazy. Don't blame him though, blame being stuck in a womb for nine months with old vines playing through his mind and annoying songs would basically be a living hell. Also he is an inventor at heart and had always enjoyed making mechs and puppets are the closest thing to them sooooo//

In a galaxy(womb) far, far (a few days travel) away...

//Angelo POV//

Oh dear, the alter is kicking (alter meaning another in Latin). I have been stuck for too long. I've been here with alter for what feels like years but is about 6-7 months. So almost a year. I think.

Time is no longer a concept.
Why do I continue to live?
What is my purpose in my life?
Why was I born?
How can I benefit others?
What happened to my friends?
Does this happen to everyone after death?
What's the point of—-

*cries internally*
There goes my philosophical thoughts at least.

I will get my revenge.
I will shove him/her out of the womb. I swear on my love of muffins and oversized sweaters.

*dies slowly inside as 'alter' kicks again*


///Nyx POV///
Sakura, sleep
Sakura, SLEEP

It is 11:35 at night. Sakura is yelling. If I must stay in the child prison that is a cot at least give me a pleasant prison mate to share with I beg of you Jashin help me—

My mother, Mebuki, came in looking tired and picked up Sakura who managed to get in one last kick. My mother looked at me apologetically.
"Perhaps we should get the two of you separate cots!" She said, smiling.

Thank Jashin. I may not revert to Jashinism but I will dedicate my first kill to Jashin-sama. I swear on my dango.

Sakura was quiet and I managed to sleep. At last.

Tenketsu points opened:

Tenketsu points left:


Nyx/Momo's success rate:
About 27%

To be continued ...

Naruto Still doesn't belong to me
The storyline and ideas are mine owo

No translating and passing off as your/stealing/revamping

Belongs to Nyx_______
1212 words

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