Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Assiana's stomach rumbles loudly, begging her for something more than water, teas and the ice she'd  been living on the past few days and hesitantly, she gave in.

Looking around the kitchen, she decides to make shrimp fried rice.

Though weak, she cooked as quickly as possibly, her knees buckling a couple times forcing her to take breaks as she sat on the ground.

Soon enough she was finished and grabbed a soda from the fridge when she made her plate.

A little indulgence wouldnt kill her. After all she hadnt had any other type of drink all week.

Her refraining from cooking the past few days also made it easier to avoid food while she also avoided a certain boy.

Assiana only made her mom's food but that was about it as Ares made it clear he didn't want her caring for him and she should leave him alone.

She understood she crossed many lines and was way too pushy. And that inevitably lead to the crumble of their short lived bond.

The past few days she'd stay in her room constantly, coming out only to go to school before going right back home.

She'd even avoided Kelsey, Quay and Felix, feeling embarrassed for her actions and the way Ares had went off on her.

But after two days Kelsey and her had made up and the two boys came around abit later.

But Ares definitely held his ground, avoiding Assiana like the plague while getting closer to the girl hed mentioned liking. Tiana.

Ontop of neglecting her health, her emotions were so out of wack, she honestly felt numb towards things she'd probably have cared about before.

Like seeing the guy she liked kiss someone else.

She didn't know if it was a curse or a blessing in disguise to no longer have the ability to or be able to find the emotion to care.

On one end it was good. She didn't feel the hurt, betrayal or sadness.

But she also felt no guilt as she neglected her health in an attempt to get to a lower weight she found more acceptable.

But why should she feel guilty, she couldn't help it after all. She was almost predisposed to care heavily about how she looked. It was a struggle and habit she adapted after wondering for so long why her father left her. Not only that but assiana honestly thought her appeal weighed heavily on her looks. After all, people seemed to become more pleasant towards her only after she'd gotten slimmer. Seeing this she set high standards for her own self. And she struggled to love herself if she didn't meet her own harsh standards.

When she finished making her plate she knew she had to make her way to her room quickly. She was dizzy and kept seeing black spots in her sight as her knees buckled from weakness.
She moved as quickly as she could but in the end that seemed to be her mistake as she made it the steps, her vision becoming heavily blackened and she keels over, laying the food beside her. She allows herself what she thinks is just a moment to rest but when she couldn't blink away the stars and blackdots in her vision and a cold sweat ran down her body, she passed out.

Ares hops out of his car, making his way up to the house, a small smile on his face as he thinks about the girl he was deciding to give a chance to. Tiana.

She was sweet as they came and he could tell she was in to him from the start. So he asked her out and since then they were having a good time together. He was sure he wanted her to be his girl soon but would let it wait till the right time. Rushing things was never a good idea. And he had no issue waiting on Tiana.

Unlocking the the door and entering the house, Ares was hit with a very welcoming scent that had his stomach growling despite just eating some food from Starbucks with his girl.

Though surprised at the fact that Assiana decided to cook, he wasn't arguing. He would never admit it but he missed her cooking. She was a great cook and everything she made tasted great to him.

Heading to the kitchen, he saw that she made shrimp fried rice and hummed happily.

"Hell yeh" he mumbled, making his plate and microwaving it.

He saw that she made a sauce and set it to boil before adding it to his plate.

Grabbing a juice out the fridge, he made his way back out the kitchen and to his room, stopping in his tracks as he is met with Assiana's limp form on the stairs.

Ares' face contorts quickly as he looks at her confused and tried to figure out what to do.

Putting his plate down, he decides to try to wake her, even though he found it strange she would fall asleep on the way up the stairs.

"Si" he called out to her as he tried shaking her awake. When she didn't budge he felt himself grow slightly worried but sighed in annoyance.

He had two options.

Leave her and head to his room, pretending he hadn't seen her which is basically impossible unless her teleported into his dam bed.

Or carry her up.

And despite arguing with himself that number 1 was a viable choice, he decided on the latter.

Letting out a breath, Ares scooped the older girl up and began carrying her upstairs, noticing how much lighter she actually was compared to what he thought. Not to say she looked big, but Assiana had a curvy figure though she was petite so he just thought some weight would be packed in those ...... curvier places.

Heading to her room, he tried to open the door but quickly realised it was locked. Hissing his teeth the boy makes his way to his own room and lays her down on the bed.

When she lets out a deep breath he thinks he woke her but she still laid there, no other movements.

Ares wondered what happened, looking at her face slightly shiny with oil and sweat and noticed slight bags under her eyes.

Shaking his head, he turned back around to go get his food and also grabbed hers that laid untouched next to where he'd found her before going back to his room.

Shaking his head, he turned back around to go get his food and also grabbed hers that laid untouched next to where he'd found her before going back to his room

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