Chapter 30

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Assiana continued to push through, her once steadily paced steps turning into a limp from the pain in her side.

You'll be fine.

Just keep going.

You'll be fine.

She reminded herself. She'd made it to the main road and knew all she had to do was walk abit farther before turning right on the corner ahead to see the gas station.

Just a little farther.

She could almost cry from happiness knowing she was basically there. And almost free. All she had to do was turn that corner. She just had to go a little fast-

"Can't believe you got this far and I ain see you assi" she heard and all the colour drained from her face, along with the hope she'd previously had. A sob escaped her as she still tried to push through and picked up pace, ignoring the pain in her body.

D'mani sighed.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard. Just come back and I'll look past this. If not-" she hears his gun cock and she covers her mouth to muffle her desperate cries. But she'd honestly rather him kill her here than go back.

"That's the choice you wanna make? Alright" his voice boomed towards her. She had yet to look back and see where he was but she knew he wasn't close from how his voice sounded.

But at this point it wasn't his voice that scared her. It was the silence that now followed.

D'mani held the gun up and aimed at the fast moving girl, his eyes narrowed on her. Just as he pulled the trigger, she stepped abit to the side frightened, not getting completely hit but instead, grazed on her hip. A few fragments also hit her and she cried out.

He actually did it. She thought, though she didn't know why she thought he wouldn't. He'd proven himself more than fucking crazy.

Shaking her head as she cried, her walk slows until she stopped, leaning on a road sign as her heart races. Looking back he was about 50 or more meters away. And looking at the turn off it was about the same.

You can make it. She tried to convince herself.

But she was so tired. And in so much pain.

Maybe she should just go back.....

Maybe..... just maybe......

Shaking her head, she stopped herself from thinking that way. She wouldn't let herself fall so low. She had to keep going.

Turning, she continued walking.

"Assiana bring your fucking ass. I don't mind bringing your corpse back!!" She heard but she still pushed on.

And just as she heard his gun cock once more, she's blinded by bright headlights turning onto the road and coming to a halt beside her.

Seeing this, D'mani pauses and starts stepping back but before he'd even realized what was going on, Ares stepped out of the car, guns a' blazing. D'mani cursed and ran, successfully escaping but not without getting a bullet through the shoulder.

As Ares watched him run he turned back around to see Assiana leaning on the side of his car. Going over to her, he put his gun on the floor of the passenger side and pulled her towards him. He wrapped his arms around her and without saying anything, Assiana broke down. She had gone through so many emotions and wasn't even able to fully comprehend them. But now she was so relieved. She felt safe.

"Sh shhh, I gotchyu mama." He comforted her as he held her.

"He hurt you?" He asked her, pulling back slightly to give her a once over. He could tell she had a few cuts here and there as her once white jumpsuit had blood splotches all over.

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