Chapter 18

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Chapter 18
It had been a few weeks since things happened between Ares and Assiana. And although time passed things were still awkward. Not with sexual tension but the hurt from the situation that happened still lingered in Assiana's mind and as a result she kept her distance.

Regardless Ares still made sure to check on her. And she still cooked but he could tell things were definitely different. She no longer waited for him to come in. Or warmed his food and sat and talked to him. And as much as he told himself he didn't care, he did. In some ways he'd seen those things as routine. And he enjoyed them even though he came off as ungrateful.

He and Tiana had been doing better. Now being official they spent lots of time together and the rest of his time was spent working.

Lately he'd been getting more jobs but he didn't mind too much. That meant more money. And as long as he was paid he was good.

Ares drove in silence as he continued to think, coming from Tiana's house.

His thoughts are disturbed by a call on his burner and he answered it.


"I got suhm that needs to be dealt with" Dante says and Ares hums.

"Text me details. Ima call up lix n Quay'nem. What's the drop bout?" He asked.

"Nah this job just you. Them boys loud n messy. I know you can handle yo shit Ru so I want you to go. Some niggas been steppin on toes round the block lately. I heard they been creepin in and movin shit that ain ours and we ain seein lick a dat money they collectin' on our ends. Ima need you to go find and deal with that. This a warning. Make sure they get the message" the man finished. Ares nods.

"No prob then. I'll tell u when it's done. Where they usually be at?" He asks.

"26th n 3rd. Gone send some info I got on what they ride and I got a pic of one of them niggas."

"Aiite bet" Ares answered before hanging up.

When Dante sent the message he makes his way to the location. It wasn't the first time he'd been doing a job alone.

It was becoming a frequent thing especially since he wasn't on the corners like quay and Felix. Although they did other jobs that was their main thing. While Ares had seemed to be moving up the ranks lately.

He had made a reputation for himself and was respected highly around the area and by extension the city. However far their influence stretched, he was known.

And he was feared and therefore respected. Because as long as you didn't cross him or his people, he left you alone. And those around him that had no Ill intent towards him only had good things to say about him.

He came from far and made a name for himself from nothing. He wasn't even from the area. And although his reasons behind joining the gang was unknown to most persons, those who knew and saw him now definitively showed respect. Whether they'd been where he had been or seen someone be at such a low point, they knew it was hard to get back on your feet. And they had to show him respect for his change.

When he got the the location, he saw the blue Toyota Dante had sent him and a bike beside it. Sitting on the corner beside the vehicle was four guys and ares looked at them all from his position across the street. He couldn't quite see their faces from the distance but the jacket one wore was the same jacket of the guy in his picture.

Just as he got out of his car, one of the guys dapped up the rest before hopping on his bike and speeding off.

He waited abit, watching as a white woman walked down the road, stopping to talk to the one from the picture and there was a quick exchange before she went on her way.

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