Chapter 31

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Y'all when I say I had problems tryna put this chapter out as soon as possible. I'm working this summer and it takes up all my day. I'm tired asf but I still make sure to write something before I go to bed. It's just that it's not as much as I would on average due to me being tired. Anyways enjoy this chapter pleaseeeee. We're due for a rollercoaster of emotions after this😝💪🏽💋💙

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Ares wiped his forehead with the back of his hand as he looked down at his work.

D'mani was barely hanging on by a thread after enduring multiple stabs, punches, kicks and more. He laid propped up against the wall, in and out of consciousness due to blood loss but still attempted to beg for his life.

A plea fell on deaf ears, as it only fueled Ares to do more.

He didn't stop when Assiana begged..... Ares thought, his glare intensifying.

"I'm surprised you still beggin. Yo throat don't hurt?" Ares taunted as he picked his gun up off the table. D'mani inched further back into the wall, or Atleast tried to, desperate to get away. He hoped the wall would somehow swallow him up and he'd be spit out somewhere- anywhere else.

"You... you can't do this..... you really gon risk jail for some bitch" D'mani tried to reason, his words still coming out condescending as if he wasn't close to being past tense.

Ares is taken aback by his statement and instead of doing what he actually wanted, which was pistol whip the teeth out of his face for calling Assiana 'some bitch', he gives a dark smirk in response.

Looking down at the bloodied bastard menacingly, he stoops so they're face to face.

"I'm not going to jail for no bitch. You however........ you gon die for one..." Ares' smirk deepens and D'mani watches as the boy gets a crazed look in his eyes. Without another thought, he springs up, wrestling the younger boy down despite his open wounds weakening him. Ares is knocked off his feet and his initial surprise allows D'mani the chance to over power him and hold him down.

Throwing punches, D'mani stands quickly to make his escape, assuming Ares would be down long enough for him to do so.

But before he could even make it to the door, he lets out a scream as he collapses to the floor, a hole where his kneecap once was.

Ares sat up, putting the gun down beside him as he spat the blood from his mouth. D'mani definitely got him good, he'd give him that much.

Standing he heads over the panting and wheaping mess on the floor as he grips what was once his knee.

However Ares was now pissed, and felt no remorse for him as he grabbed his other leg and started pulling him towards the kitchen. Ares was about to finish him off in one go.  But that idea quickly changed. Now he was gonna make what was already a painful death, into pure torture.

Searching the cabinets, he smiled when he found both bottles of what he was looking for. A grin was on his face as he headed over to the wailing man and as D'mani saw him, he cried harder. He was at the mercy of a madman.

"Save yo tears nigga. You really tried that shit and fucked my mouth up you know that? Got my gums cut up and shit. So guess what? We gon play a lil game ; Scream and die. Game rules?" Ares held up the bottles of lime juice and bleach. "If you scream you fuckin die. If not. You can live" he finished.

D'mani gulps, attempting to ready himself for the pain of the substances about to be poured on him. But nothing could prepare him for the feeling of his cuts and wounds being viciously ravaged by the acids as they hit his skin. He immediately let out loud screams, unable to hold it in as he's enveloped by overwhelming pain all over. He caught a glimpse of Ares, who glowered at him, his eyes dark and hateful, but his lip tipped upward slightly in satisfaction.

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