Chapter 21

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Nik pronounced: Neek aka Anika (Aneeka)

"Ayo nik where benji at?" Felix asked Anika as she opens the door he'd been banging on.

She rolls her eyes.

"Hell Am spose to know that? I just know he ain here. Might be back soon though if you'on mind the wait" she told him, walking away from the door and leaving it open behind her.

Felix hissed his teeth before entering.

"He fuckin told me he was here mayne..." he mumbled mostly to himself but Anika heard him. They both sat down in the couch.

"Maybe he was. Not sure when he left so....... What you want him for anyways?" She asked him, grabbing her blunt and relighting it. Felix watches before shaking his head with a small chuckle.

"I be forgetting you a lil stoner." He says, snickering. She brushes him off. "We was spose to sort shit out for Ares birthday party Saturday" she hums at what he says, blowing out smoke.

"Shit, I done forgot all about that. He turning 17 right. Dam I always forget Ru a lil baby. His age too young for his bad ass." She snickered and Felix laughed.

"Ye'en tell no lies ma. Mark the date though. We tryna see what we can do to make the party really memorable and make Ru feel good. Know he been stressed out bein here and tryna balance the block and school. Ontop o' dat niggas finding out who he is he say that pissin him off too." He said. Anika nods.

"I hear you. Well knowin Ru, he strong so he'a be fine. And sure I'll be there." She smiled, looking at him. Felix smiles back.

"How you been though?" He asked her. "Lemme see dat" he said, referring to her blunt. She hums and passes it to him before answering.

"The usual. Honestly tryna get a job out here. Tired of askin Benji ass for money" she huffed. Felix chuckles slightly, taking a hit off the blunt before blowing out the smoke and looking at the pretty girl.

"Nik, you know you can come to me for anything you need. Ain nuhn but a word gotta be said and you got that" he told her, meaning every word, but even he wasn't sure in what way. 

Looking at him, she shook her head with a smile, letting out a breathy laugh.

"How boutchyu lix. You been okay?" She asked, deciding not to reply to what he said. Anika wasn't gonna be anyone's charity case. The only person she was vulnerable enough with to be like that was her brother. And she was still barely that with him. She was too broke bad and fucked up about people by people, to depend on anyone. So pretty words were nothing to her. And definitely didn't come without the expectation of something back.

"Me? Shit, great Ri' now, what dis shit is?" He asked her, referring to the weed they were smoking.

"My own personal mix of some of y'all shit. Slaps right?" She grinned and he nodded as she passed it back to him and he took a long puff.

Letting out the breath he'd taken in, a cloud of smoke is released.
"Dam, hell yeh. Lil bit mo heat this shit wouldn't be nuhn to play wit. Gone have to teach a nigga this mix"

Anika smiles. "I will. But am serious lix. You good? Cuz since Assiana...... maybe no one else see it but I know you prolly hurting right now. We can talk if you want" she told him.

Felix's smile falters for a moment but he tries to cover it up with a cough as he takes another hit off the blunt.

A moment of silence ensues as he wonders how to play things off. And also hopes the subject is changed. But when Anika continues to look at him expectantly, he sighs.

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