Chapter 27

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"That's our fucking Ru, aye this you forreal man. Dam" Felix said as he looked at Ares' nose piercing. The boy grinned as he showed it off before looking into the mirror, turning the side with the piercing to the mirror so he could see it.

"I like it...... dam" he muttered mostly to himself as his friends smiled at him, not only liking the piercing but also grateful to see a smile on his face rather than in the state they'd found him in earlier.

"Shit now am excited. Penetrate me next" Benji said excitedly as he sat on the surgical seat the person did piercings and tattoos on. the guys reacted dramatically to his statement.

"Nigga can you just....... Run yo thoughts through management before you let them out yo mouth?" Quay asked him as they all laughed, shaking their heads.

"Y'all the ones thinking dirty rii now. Deon gets me" Benji says, giving deon a toothy smile. Deon shakes his head at him, amused.

"Me last then" Quay chimed in as Deon set things up to pierce Benjii.

It was sometime past 8. Felix and Ares had already gotten their tattoos, which was Felix finishing his sleeve on the inside of his arm and Ares finished his neck and shoulders with intricate designs and APE gang on his neck, finishing with two diamonds on his cheek bone.

He was happy with it all, feeling like a whole new man with these modifications, while also feeling a lot more like himself.

This was a great distraction from the pain and emotions that plagued his mind, but they promised to make an emergence if not dealt with properly.

So despite enjoying the moment with his friends, he was afraid.

Scared to face the demons he'd been running from. Knowing they would fight him with a vengeance for how long they'd been chasing him. And in the end they still caught up. Regardless of the fact he'd let them, he just knew things had to be done differently regardless of the difficulty.

Because otherwise he'd probably lose himself ...seeking love, and seeing everyone's worth......But his own.


"Dam Ru, you stay showin us new food places. This shit slap" Felix said as he chowed down into the Chinese food. It was a different place from where he'd taken Assiana, but just as good in terms of food. He thought this place had the best shrimp fried rice which is what he got along with sweet and sour and mala chicken. He got chicken chowmein that he put down to eat later.

"Yah I'm finna put this down in the food bank. Cuz ain no way we been living here all dis time, and don't know shit bout where the best food be at." Benji chimes in as he also scarfed down his food. Quay hummed in agreement and Ares gave a small smile as they continued eating.

They got back to the house Ares was staying at and sat in the living room eating and watching the tv. Ares was still stuck in his thoughts and his friends could tell. So as they all finished eating, throwing out their trash and grabbing there drinks so they could sit back down, they looked at one another. Having made up their minds, they knew they had to talk to him. And hopefully get him to talk to them. Because despite how close they all were, Ares was pretty closed off and didn't say much especially about his own feelings.

After wrapping a few blunts, they realized Ares had finished eating and Benji cleared his throat.

"So Ru..... what happened?" He asked and they all looked at Ares expectantly. He finished chewing on his food and put his plate down, grabbing a napkin to wipe his hands and mouth.

"..... it's ..... it ain nothin. I'm good now" Ares answered, trying to convince them and ultimately, himself, that he was okay.

And just like how he didn't believe it, neither did they.

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