Chapter 33: Love is.....

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The next day came around in a blur. Assiana could barely remember it all as she recalled feeling as though she was simply watching as life went by around her. Ares made sure to get her the plan b and by noon had dropped her home, both of them seeming to be equally out of it. She wondered if it was for the same reasons or different ones. And was it even her place to ask?

Before long she found herself in a frozen state, unable to fathom the idea of being 'herself' much less getting out of bed in the morning.
As if things were normal.

On top of that her mind ran in circles as she thought about a specific boy who'd managed to be the one thing keeping her sane in that time.

How ironic that his absence for the past week seemed to also be driving her insane.

She was frozen.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place and all she wanted was to feel good again. Safe again. Like herself again.

But the pressure of life and her mom was weighing down on her. She needed time, no doubt. But at the end of the day, she'd told no one about what happened.

And for the past week had feigned illness to give herself a moment to cope.

Sadly, life stops for no one. So despite feeling as though she was basically incapable of returning to her original life and schedule, she had to.

She had to.

Her thoughts once again ran to Ares.

And for a moment she wasn't numb anymore. Her heart skips a beat and she bites her lip as she squeezes her thighs together, remembering the night they'd spent together. She was reminded of warmth.... And safety......

And how good he felt when he filled her with his c-


She shakes her head, getting flustered but nonetheless wondered where in the hell he could be. He hadn't been home. Not once since he dropped her off that day.

Ares sighed as he laid back in the couch of his new apartment.

"How you like it. Feels like the right fit for you?" Aunt Kat asks him as she looks around the kitchen.

He nods with a small smile.

"Out all the ones we been lookin at, this the one that I liked the most. And it ain too in the open ya know. The room is nice, living room big. Nice balcony. I'm happy wit it" he told her as he got comfortable.

"And don't Forget this nice ass kitchen. And the laundry room. Make sure you keep up with your laundry Ares" she warned him, knowing how he got with his laundry.

Ares hissed his teeth lightly but nodded.

"Aiite I will auntie. Ima come by the house down in the week for the rest'o my stuff. Till then, ima just be here"

"And don't forget school. Ion want you feelin like just cuz you living on your own yo grades can slip. Stay focused, please" she finished, her tone soft but she hoped he understood how serious she was.

"No worries. Graduating is a priority for me rii'now, so bad grades ain an option" he replied, standing up as he did so. He smiled at Katalina warmly, grateful for all she'd been doing for him.

They'd spent the last week looking for apartments together and she even signed off on his emancipation, allowing him to be his own guardian. And still treated him kindly and as if he was her own.

How he'd imagine his own mother would've been.

"Thank you...... for everything auntie" he said to her. She smiles, her eyes watering as she shook her head and pulled him in for a hug.

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