Chapter 14

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As Ares left the room to get a wet rag from his bathroom, Assiana layed there, her mind no longer foggy with lust as she thought about what had just happened.

She was more than stunned. Less than a week ago they dam near hated one another. Now she layed naked on his bed, her stomach wet with his cum and sweat.

And although she knew had this happened in the beginning she'd have loved having Ares, she couldn't help the mixed feelings she'd grown to have.

Not only that, she now had clarity and knew what they were doing was wrong not only because of the circumstances and the fact that they were both not each other's'type'.

She knew the guilt would weigh down on Ares.

She was starting to regret basically forcing him to go against his morals and friendship.

As he came back into the room, he smiled at Assiana and her heart skipped a beat at the small gesture.

There were so many milestones in the past few hours, it was hard to keep up with them all and see a different side to the passive aggressive, blank Ares she was use to.

"Why you look like that? I ain hurt you right?" He asked as he stood infront of her, hovering above her as he started wiping her down.

Assiana shook her head.

"No...." She said, her tone making him look at her curiously.

When he finished cleaning her up, he gave her a look before heading back to the bathroom.

By the time he returned, she'd already pulled on her top and shorts and she searched for her underwear.

"Si what the fuck you doin?" He asked, getting annoyed with her.

" look Ares, I... I'm glad you didn't take advantage of me even though you knew you could and I'm so grateful for that. But..... we can't do this again. As a matter o' fact. This ain happen okay" she told the boy and he watched her search for her panties that he'd already pocketed.

'You ain finding shit but keep looking though' he thought to himself, admiring the sight of her bent over.

"What's this about though. You telling me you wasn't thinking bout none of the consequences, nothing when you was begging for me to fuck you?" Ares asked her, irritated at her complete 180*.

" I honestly wasn't" she answered honestly as she straightened up and looked at him. She willed her eyes to stay trained on his as they begged to skim down his body but she managed. "Felix is just a friend to me. And a brother to you so I know you wouldn't wanna fuck that up. And I know I might not return his feelings but it don't mean you don't respect them and I walked all over that respect and I'm sorry. I..... I just want us to pretend this didn't happen. Cause besides the Felix thing, I ain even your type. You never liked me or nothin before this and..... I know I'm worth more than some nice words and a good fuck. If we forget about tonight, we can honestly build on how close we actually got earlier .... And prolly be friends. Please tell me you see my point" she explained.

Ares sighed.

" I guess you right.......I am a good fuck." He joked but continued "But I'm more than just that and some nice words Si........ I do see your point though." And Ares wasn't lying. He did see her point and understood that they had gotten close for the first time ever and were starting to get along.

And she was right. They weren't eachothers type. Hell Ares was even reminded he was with tiana and he'd wanted that since he met her. And he couldn't go behind Felix's back. Especially more than he already had.

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