Chapter 19

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Two and a half weeks had passed and Ares and Assiana had been going well. They were actually pretty good friends despite the occasional tension. Mostly caused by Ares.

They would talk when they saw each other and hung out when they both had the time. Even everyone in the friend group noticed the change and was happy considering what had been happening from the beginning.

He originally wasn't home much especially between work and going to Tiana, all this alongside the fact ares and Assiana weren't on the best of terms. But since they made up he was home abit more whenever he wasn't out working. He'd see Tiana here and there but not often and he had started to wonder why.

And that was the reason he was currently going to see her.

Though they texted, she was always busy out with her family or doing some form of work, making her unable to see him or have to cancel on him.

So he decided, rather than waiting on a response to the message he'd sent her earlier, he would just pull up on her as a surprise.

When he was close, he dialed her number and it rang till she answered.

"Ru?" She called out. He smiled.

"Hey ma wassup. Watchyu doin?" He asked turning the corner onto her street.

"Nothin much baby. Here with my parents" she said.

"That's good then. I'm tryna see you. Wassup?" he told her, close enough he could see her house.

There's some russling before he hears a reply.

"Oh baby I wanna see you too but I ain home right now" she told him and just then he saw the light to her bedroom turn off.

Ares' eyebrows scrunch up.

"You ain home?" He asked her and hears a hum.

"No. I'm out with my parents at one of they business events. You know how it's been" she tells him.

Ares sat in his car, watching her window as his teeth grit at her words.

"Okay" he said, not able to get anything more out as his jaw clenched.

"But I'ma be able to see you prolly by Friday or Saturday" she said.

Ares hums before hanging up and doing a U turn.

His mind was a haze of thoughts as he made his way home and he grew angrier by the second.

What was she doing?

Why the fuck did she lie to him?

Was he losing his mind?

So many thoughts ran through his head and as he stopped at a red light, he slammed his hand down on the steering wheel in frustration.

He didn't deserve to feel like this. To feel broken and hurt when all he did was give himself. He was so sick of putting effort into shit and ending up the only one crying. He was fucking tired of watching as people did him dirty.

And he was over it. He had wasted enough time and enough of his emotions trying to care about hoes that would continue to be just that.

A hoe. And he didn't know why she'd lied to him but he didn't care. Because she did. And had been for a while now.

So whoever the other person was could have her cause he was done. Especially emotion wise. She was nothing to him as far a he knew. Nothing but a hole. Or two.

Pulling into the drive way he stayed there for a while. He was so upset he didn't even have the strength to roll up. He would just wait to grab one of his pre rolls in his room.

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