Chapter 30 - Does (S)he Know

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Author's Note #1:

New chapter! The song for this chapter is Does He Know, because now that Ash caught Niall and Casey there's no way to hide it from her anymore. I would love it if you could check out my MERCH STORE, I have 1D and solo merch. We're on instagram as shopmwk and our webpage is And if you want to know when I post a new chapter, you can follow me on instagram, I always post a story when the chapter's up :) My ig is cristy.lealr

*Casey's POV*

"What the hell is going on?" She further asked when neither of us answered. We were both too stunned to speak, there was no way of getting out of this now. 

"I can explain." I finally managed to speak.

"Go on..."

"Should I...can I..." Niall eyes darted between me and Ash.

"Yeah, go ahead. I'll be right there." I told him, sensing that he wanted to be anywhere else but here, and to be honest, so did I. When I saw he didn't stand up to go to my room I asked "Is there something wrong?"

"Well I'm..." And that's when I realized, we were both still in our underwear, with just the blanket covering us.

"You can take it, Ash's seen me in underwear plenty of times, I'm sure she won't mind." I let out a little laugh. 

"Thanks." And with that Niall quickly stood up, making sure the blanket was covering him as he hurried into my room.

"I'll be right there." I hollered.

"The fuck you are, you've got a lot of explaining to do." Ash added.

"Can I at least put on my shirt before I explain?"

"No. Speak. It's not like I'm going to be staring at your boobs."

"Okay...well where do I start..."

"From the beginning."

"Oh god, it's going to take quite a while."

"I have all night."

"Okay, but please don't be mad at me."

"I'm not, I'm just stunned and I don't understand a single thing. You've always said you hated Niall and his music and such and here you are naked in our living room with him eating tacos. Did you at least get me some?"

"There's some on the counter." I pointed.

"Thanks, I'll eat while you explain."

"Okay, so I'll start from the very beginning. You know I'm from this little town in Ireland."

"Yes." She answered as she helped herself to a taco.

"Well, that little town is Mullingar."

"Mullingar as in..."

"Yes as in the town Niall grew up in, we actually went to school together." I let out a nervous laugh.

"Bitch what?" Ash exclaimed.

"We were best friends for a really long time and then we eventually started dating."

"How the hell did I not know any of this?"

"Cause I don't like to talk about it."

"What happened then? I'm guessing things didn't end good?"

"We were going to audition for the X Factor together, but then we had a silly fight, well it was a big deal to us back then, and that resulted in Niall auditioning solo and basically ghosting me after he got through."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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