Chapter 9

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Third person POV

Vera's eyes fluttered open as she sat up and rubbed them a little. When she could finally see she was shocked.
She wasn't in her room but where she was wasn't a place she had seen before .

She wasn't in her room but where she was wasn't a place she had seen before

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She laid there in the bed surrounded by white and gold interior.
Pain shot through her head as she groaned,
memories of what had transpired during the party came flooding back all at once to Vera and she was left a mess when she realised her family and Lexi were no where to be seen.

She threw her legs to the side of the bed and stood up hastily, only for pain to consume her legs causing her to  stumble and she was caught my a pair of strong arms before she could hit the ground.
She opened her eyes to see Julius's face inches away from hers.
He held her little body in his arms preventing her collision with the ground.

For a moment they stared at each other in that position until Julius broke eye contact and helped Vera up before sitting her back on the bed.
He had been watching her ever since she woke up,
Hence the reason he was able to catch her in time.

Not up to a moment later a maid came into the room dressed in uniform and dropped some folded clothes on the bed before bowing and going back the way she came.

Julius didn't look at Vera and turned to leave

"Where am I?"
She asked bringing him to a halt as he turned to face her

"You'll find out.
Take a shower or smth
You stink. The bathroom is that door to your right"
He pointed to another room that had shoes in different compartments on the walls and two doors were situated close to one another much deeper into the room.

"When your done put on these clothes your parents sent and come down" he gestured to the clothes that the maid had earlier brought and Vera didn't say a word but just stared back at him.

Julius turned and left the room leaving Vera alone to her thoughts.
    At least she was thankful that her parents seemed alright enough to send her clothes but the question still remained
Where was she?

Deciding to follow Julius's instructions she stood on her wobbly legs and walked over to the open room at the other side of the bed.
She walked into one of the doors and saw the big bathroom.

She walked into one of the doors and saw the big bathroom

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